2009年7月27日 星期一
Gluten Intolerance 穀膠過敏
Gluten is a protein found in cereals of wheat, rye, barley and oats.
2. Who should be on a gluten free diet?
Celiac disease is caused by an inability to digest food containing gluten. This reaction causes destruction of the villi in the small intestine, with resulting malabsorption of nutrients. A person with celiac disease must avoid gluten food.
3. What are the symptoms of celiac disease?
Symptoms of celiac disease can range from the classic features, such as diarrhea, weight loss, and malnutrition, to latent symptoms such as isolated nutrient deficiencies but no gastrointestinal symptoms. In children, the symptoms may include:
* Failure to thrive
* Paleness
* Querulousness, irritability
* Inability to concentrate
* Wasted buttocks
* Pot belly with or without painful bloating
* Pale, malodorous, bulky stools
* Requent, foamy diarrhea
You should always consult your doctor who can confirm if you have such disease.
4. What kind of wheat should I avoid in a gluten free diet?
Kumat, spelt, bulgar, durum and conscous, breads, cakes, cereals.
5. What kind of food can fit a gluten free diet?
Rice, buckwheat, corn, peas , legumes, potato, soya, tapioca , sago, arrowroot, flour made from the above ingredients, dried beans, lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, foods rich in Vitamin C such as fruits and vegetables.
However, be careful about the seasonings and the sauces. It must be not be cooked with normal seasoning but those which are wheat and gluten free, e.g. wheat and gluten free soy sauce.
6. For packaged food, how can I distinguish if they are gluten free?
All approved gluten free package food must have this information indicated in the nutrition facts panel.
1. 什麼是穀膠
2. 哪些人應該食用不含穀膠的食物?
穀膠過敏症的人必須避免食用穀膠的食物。穀膠過敏症是由於含有穀膠的食物在胃裏無法消化。穀膠過敏症會造成腸胃不適, 影響養分被吸收。
3. 穀膠過敏症有哪些症狀?
穀膠過敏症特徵的範圍包括一些明顯的特點, 譬如腹瀉, 體重下降, 營養不良, 一些潛在症狀如某類營養不足。 患有穀膠過敏症的兒童的症狀包括:
* 發育停滯
* 臉色蒼白
* 情緒波動
* 精神無法集中
* 腹部脹痛
* 排泄物產生刺鼻難聞的惡臭味
* 泄瀉, 泡沫似的腹瀉
4. 在選擇不含谷膠食物時,應該避免哪類的穀物?
Kumat, 斯佩耳特小麥, bulgar, 硬粒小麥和蒸粗麥, 麵包, 蛋糕, 等用麥穀物造的食物。
5. 有哪些食物是不含穀膠食物?
米, 蕎麥, 玉米, 豌豆, 豆類, 土豆, 大豆, 珍珠粉, 西米, 葛粉,由上述成份做成的麵粉, 幹豆, 瘦肉, 雞, 魚, 蛋, 堅果, 含豐富維生素C的食物例如水果和蔬菜。.
但是, 注意調味料和調味汁,不要使用一般的調味料,改用不含穀膠的調味料。例如不含麥子和穀膠的醬油。
6. 如何區分包裝食品是否區含有穀膠?
Low Fats 低脂
1. What kind of fats should I limit in my diet?
Saturated facts and trans fatty acids (hydrogenated fat). High intakes may increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
2. What kinds of food contain high level of saturated facts?
Diary products such as whole milk, butter, cheese. Meat, such as beef, lamb, pork, animal fats. Margarine, though some people consider it as an alternative to butter, should be avoided.
3. Are there any fats which are good?
Some fats are good fats - essential fatty acids ( EFAs ). These are omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. EPA and DHA in omega 3 are vital for brain and eye development. Cod liver oil and flaxseed oil are good source of EPA and DHA . Seed/nut oil blend is a good source of Omega 6. Moreover, olive oil ( extra virgin cold pressed ) helps lower the risk of heart disease and is a time proven health giving food. Coconut oil is a good source of fats. About 50% of fats in coconut is lauric acid which gets converted into a highly potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal substance, called monolaurin. Lauric acid is also one of the natural ingredients of human breast milk, protecting babies from infections. However, we need to look for virgin coconut oil, meaning that has not been hydrogenated. The process of hydrogenation to lengthen the shelf life destroys valuable nutrients, and resulted in fats being converted into trans fats, which cause heart problems.
4. How to limit absorb of fats in my diet?
* The best way is to eat home-made meals because you can control the amount of oil for cooking
* You can choose meat without fats or only with little fat and cut away the fatty parts before you cook.
* Eat fish and chicken instead of beef or pork.
* For chicken, do not eat the skin.
* Steam or boil the food instead of fry or deep-fry.
* Use only small amount of vegetable oil when cooking.
* For seasoning, use sugar, vinegar, onion spring, ginger, garlic.
* Snacks such as cakes, biscuits, nuts contain high level of fats and thus should avoid.
1. 在我吃的食物中哪種油脂應該限制?
飽和成分和轉脂肪酸(氫化脂肪)。 吸取過多這些油脂可能會引發心臟病,糖尿病和肥胖病。
2. 哪些食物包含了高飽和成分?
3. 那些脂肪是有益的嗎?
必需脂肪酸(EFAs)是有益的脂肪 。 這些是OMEGA-3和OMEGA-6脂肪酸。 OMEGA-3脂肪酸中的EPA 和DHA對人腦和眼睛發展起至關重要的作用。 EPA 和DHA主要來自鱈魚肝油和亞麻籽油,而OMEGA-6主要來自混合植物油。橄欖油(初榨冷壓)是可以幫助降低心臟病病發的健康食物。 椰子油是油脂的一個主要來源。 大約50% 油脂在椰子裏會轉換成一高度有力抗病毒的十二(烷)酸物質。是人奶的當中一個天然成分, 能避免嬰孩感染疾病。 但是, 我們需要尋找未被氫化的的椰子油。 氫化後雖可加長保質期,但是卻破壞了它原來珍貴的營養成分, 長期食用更可能會導致心臟問題。
4. 在飲食中,怎麼限制油脂吸收?
* 最好的方式是自己在家做飯,因為這樣能控制油的使用量
* 最好選購沒有油脂的肉或切掉肥膩的部分。
* 用魚和雞代替牛肉或豬肉。
* 吃雞不要吃雞皮。
* 蒸或煮沸代替油炸或油煎。
* 做飯時只用一小量的菜油。
* 調味料, 可用糖, 醋, 蔥, 薑, 大蒜。
* 要避免吃高油脂含量的零食如蛋糕, 餅乾, 堅果。
Low sugar (Glyceamic Index) 低糖
GI (Glyceamic Index) is a measure of the rate of blood glucose response to intake of a carbohydrate containing food. Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion have a high GI factor. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, release glucose gradually into the blood have low GI.
2. What is the problem of taking high GI food?
It stimulates greater insulin release by the pancreas. High insulin levels increases the risk of diabetes, carduivascular disease, and hypertension. Therefore, not just people who have diabetes need low GI food. It is always a healthy living style to take low GI food.
3. What kind of foods is low GI?
Grainy breads, pasta, oats, barley, legumes, fresh fruits, sweet potato, corn, low fat milk and yoghurt. For meat, choose low fat meat. For sugar, choose raw (unrefined) sugar instead of synthetic sugars.
4. What kind of foods is high GI?
Food containing high animal fat such as fat meat, food which are fried in butter or with creamy sauce, oily food, sweet foods containing high sugar level such as biscuits, cookies, candies, soft drink.
5. If I have diabetes, what do I need in my diet apart from avoiding high GI food?
You have to include low GI food in your diet. You also have to use foods which are low fats, high fiber, and anti-oxidant. Apart from this, exercise daily and follow your doctor's advice.
1. 什麼是GI(血糖指數) ?
GI (血糖指數) 是測量血液中的葡萄糖濃度的增加速度與攝取食物中的碳水化合物的關係的指數。 高血糖指數的人溶解碳水化合物較快,低血糖指數的人溶解碳水化合物較慢。
2. 食用高GI 食物會引起哪些問題?
它刺激胰島腺分泌大量的胰島素。 胰島素的增加會引起糖尿病, 心血管疾病, 和高血壓的疾病的風險。 所以, 糖尿病病人需要食用低GI 的食物。 食用低GI 食物是健康生活方式。
3. 哪些食物是低GI?
穀類麵包, 麵食, 燕麥, 大麥, 豆類, 新鮮水果, 番薯, 玉米, 低脂牛奶和酸奶。 如果是肉類的話應選擇瘦肉。糖就應該選擇未加工過的(未精製的) 糖代替白糖。
4. 哪些食物是高GI?
含有高動物性脂肪的食物譬如肥肉, 用黃油煎炸的食物,奶油製成的食物,調味汁做的食物, 油膩的食物, 含有高糖份的餅乾, 曲奇餅, 糖果, 軟性飲料等甜食。
5. 如果我有糖尿病, 除了要避免吃高的GI 食物,在飲食方面還需要注意些什麼嗎? ?
您的飲食必須是低GI的。 您要吃一些低油脂, 高纖維, 並且抗氧化的食物。 除此之外, 每天堅持做運動和聽從您的醫生的建議也十分重要。
Low salt 低鹽
On average, an adult needs only 2000-3000mg of sodium everyday, which is almost equal to 1-1.5 teaspoon of salt. Natural food already contains the sodium we need and thus seasoning must be as little as possible if we want to keep a low salt diet.
2. What kinds of food contain high sodium?
Processed meat, such as beacon, luncheon meat, ham, sausages, canned corn beef, deep fired chicken, etc. all contain more than 10 times sodium than fresh meat. So always choose fresh meat instead of processed meat can surely help to reduce the sodium intake. Processed food, such as pickles, salt-fish, salt-egg, which are very common in Chinese menu should be avoided as well.
Sodium contained in common seasoning is also high. E.g. one teaspoon of salt contains 2325 sodium, which is equal to almost the daily average intake of an adult. Other seasoning, such as MSG, soy source, oyster sauce also contains high level of sodium.
Snacks such as biscuits, instant noodle, potato chips etc. all contain high level of sodium. Very often, these kinds of snacks also contain high level of sugar and thus should be avoided.
3. How can I limit the sodium absorbed in my diet?
The best way is to eat homemade food instead of processed or those from restaurants.
If you need to buy processed food, read the food label and nutrient panel carefully to choose low-salt food or snacks.
1. 每天需要攝入多少鹽份?
成人平均每天需要攝入的鈉是2000-3000mg , 大約是相等於1-1.5 茶匙鹽。 天然食物已經包含我們需要的鈉,如果想保持低鹽飲食的話,在烹調時應儘量少放調料。
2. 哪些食物的含鈉量高?
經加工的肉, 譬如醃肉, 午餐肉, 火腿, 香腸, 罐裝玉米牛肉, 烤雞等。 這些食物的納含量是新鮮肉的10倍。選擇食用新鮮的肉類代替被處理過的肉能幫助減少鈉的攝入。在中國菜中,經加工的食物, 譬如醃漬物, 鹹魚, 鹹蛋,,是非常普遍含鈉量高的食物,所以應該儘量避免食用。
鈉在一般調味料的含量是很高的。例如, 一個茶匙鹽包含2325 鈉, 幾乎等於成人的每日平均所需量。 其他調味料, 譬如MSG, 醬油, 蠔油的鈉含量也很高。
餅乾, 速食麵, 薯片等零食的鈉含量也很高,更通常含有高糖,因此應該避免吃。
3. 怎樣在飲食中限制鈉的吸收?
如果要買加工食物, 請先仔細地閱讀食物標籤和營養成分,儘量選擇低鹽份的食物或零食 。
Milk Intolerance 乳糖過敏症
Milk intolerance is also commonly referred to as dairy intolerance. People affected by milk intolerance usually cannot tolerate lactose (milk sugar) or casein (a protein fraction found in all dairy products).
2. What are the common symptoms for milk intolerance?
Colicky babies, dry cough, frequent ear blockages, nose mucous, diarrhea, hives, eczema and asthma are common milk intolerance reactions.
3. What kind of alternative I can use?
Beverages made from soy, rice, potato, quinoa or pea are available which can act as good substitute to dairy milk. They can go with cereal breakfast, for baking and cooking. High calcium food includes almonds, raw seeds, fish, tahini. You may also consider taking calcium supplement.
4. What are the average intake of calcium per day?
Infants | 550mg | |
Children | 800mg | |
Adolescent (girls) | 800-1000mg | |
Adolescent (boys) | 1000-1200mg | |
Adults | 800-100mg | |
Pregnant women | 1100 mg |
嬰孩腹痛, 乾咳, 頻密的耳鳴, 流鼻涕, 腹瀉, 麻疹, 濕疹和哮喘是乳糖過敏症的反應。
可以用由大豆, 米, 土豆,栗子或豌豆做的飲料代替乳製品。 它們可以和穀物早餐搭配,用來烘焙或烹調。您也可以考慮多補充含高鈣的食物如杏仁, 生種籽, 魚, 芝麻醬或高鈣補充劑等。
嬰兒 | 550mg | |
小孩 | 800mg | |
青少年(女孩) | 800-1000mg | |
青少年(男孩) | 1000-1200mg | |
成年人 | 800-100mg | |
懷孕婦女 | 1100 mg |
Safe food for gluten free diet 穀膠過敏者的安全食品
( Information souce : www.celiac.com )
Acacia Gum | Acorn Quercus | Adipic Acid |
Adzuki Bean | Acacia Gum | Agar |
Alcohol (Spirits - Specific Types) | Alfalfa | Algae |
Algin | Alginate | Allicin |
Almond Nut | Aluminum | Amaranth |
Annatto | Annatto Color | Apple Cider Vinegar |
Arabic Gum | Arrowroot | Artichokes |
Aspartame (can cause IBS symptoms) | Aspic | Ascorbic Acid |
Astragalus Gummifer | Baking Soda & Powder (check) | Balsamic Vinegar |
Beans | Bean, Adzuki | Bean, Hyacinth |
Bean, Lentil | Bean, Mung | Bean Romano (Chickpea) |
Bean Tepary | Benzoic acid | Besan |
Betaine | BHA | BHT |
Beta Carotene | Bicarbonate of Soda (check) | Biotin |
Buckwheat | Butter (check additives) | Butylated Hydroxyanisole |
Butyl Compounds | Calcium Carbonate | Calcium Caseinate (Contains MSG) |
Calcium Chloride | Calcium Disodium | Calcium Phosphate |
Calcium Silicate | Calcium Stearate | Calcium Sulfate |
Camphor | Canola Oil | Caprylic Acid |
Carageenan Chondrus Crispus | Carboxymethylcellulose | Carnauba Wax |
Carob Bean | Carob Bean Gum | Carob Flour |
Carrageenan | Casein | Cassava Manihot Esculenta |
Castor Oil | Cellulose1 | Cellulose Gum |
Cetyl Alcohol | Cheeses (check ingredients) | |
Chestnuts | Chickpea | Chlorella |
Chymosin | Citric Acid | Collagen |
Corn | Corn Meal | Corn Flour |
Cornstarch | Corn Syrup | Corn Syrup Solids |
Corn Swetener | Cortisone | Cotton Seed Oil |
Cowitch | Cowpea | Cream of Tartar |
Cysteine, L | Demineralized Whey | Desamidocollagen |
Dextrose | Dioctyl Sodium | Distilled Vinegar |
Eggs | Elastin | Ester Gum |
Fish (fresh) | Flaked Rice | Flax |
Folic Acid-Folacin | Formaldehyde | Fructose |
Fruit (including dried) | Fumaric Acid | Gelatin |
Glutamate (free) | Glutamic Acid | Glutamine (amino acid) |
Glycerides | Glycerol Monooleate | Glycol Monosterate |
Glycol | Glycolic acid | Gram flour (chick peas) |
Grits, Corn | Guar Gum | Hemp |
Herbs | Honey | Hyacinth Bean |
Hydrogen Peroxide | Hydrolyzed soy protein | Iodine |
Inulin | Invert Sugar | Job's Tears |
Kasha (roasted buckwheat) | Keratin | Kudzu Root Starch |
Lactic Acid | Lactose | Lanolin |
Lecithin | Lentil | Lipase |
Locust Bean Gum | Magnesium Carbonate | Magnesium Hydroxide |
Maize | Maize Waxy | Malic Acid |
Maltitol | Manioc | Masa |
Masa Flour | Masa Harina | Meat (fresh) |
Methyl Cellulose2 | Microcrystallin Cellulose | Milk |
Millet | Milo | Mineral Oil |
Mineral Salts | Monosodium Glutamate MSG (made in USA) | Monopotassium Phosphate |
Mung Bean | Musk | Niacin-Niacinamide |
Nuts (except wheat, rye & barley) | Nut, Acron | Nut, Almond |
Oats3 | Oils and Fats | Oleyl Alcohol/Oil |
Paraffin | Peas | Pea - Chick |
Pea - Cow | Pea Flour | Pepsin |
Peru Balsam | Petrolatum | Phenylalanine |
Pigeon Peas | Polenta | Polyethylene Glycol |
Polyglycerol | Polysorbates | Potassium Citrate |
Potassium Iodide | Potassium Sorbate | Potatoes |
Potato Flour | Prinus | Pristane |
Propolis | Propylene Glycol | Propylene Glycol Monosterate |
Propyl Gallate | Psyllium | Pyridoxine Hydrochloride |
Quinoa | Rape | Rennet |
Reticulin | Rice | Rice Flour |
Rice Vinegar | Romano Bean (chickpea) | Rosin |
Royal Jelly | Sago Palm | Sago Flour |
Saifun (bean threads) | Scotch Whisky | Seaweed |
Seeds (except wheat, rye & barley) | Seed - Sesame | Seed - Sunflower |
Sphingolipids | Soba (be sure it's 100% buckwheat) | Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate |
Sodium Alginate | Sodium Ascorbate | Sodium Benzoate |
Sodium Caseinate | Sodium Citrate | Sodium Erythrobate |
Sodium Hexametaphosphate | Sodium Lauryl Sulfate | Sodium Nitrate |
Sodium Phosphate | Sodium Silacoaluminate | Sodium Stannate |
Sorbic Acid | Sorbitol-Mannitol (can cause IBS symptoms) | Sorghum |
Sorghum Flour | Soy | Soybean |
Soy Lecithin | Spices (pure) | Spirits (Specific Types) |
Stearates | Stearamide | Stearamine |
Stearic Acid | Subflower Seed | Succotash (corn and beans) |
Sucrose | Sulfosuccinate | Sulfites |
Sulfur Dioxide | Sweet Chestnut Flour | Tallow |
Tapioca | Tapioca Flour | Tarrow Root |
Tartaric Acid | TBHQ is Tetra or Tributylhydroquinone | Tea |
Tea-Tree Oil | Teff | Teff Flour |
Tepary Bean | Thiamine Hydrochoride | Tofu-Soya Curd |
Tolu Balsam | Tragacanth | Tragacanth Gum |
Tri-Calcium Phosphate | Turmeric (Kurkuma) | Tyrosine |
Urad/Urid Beans | Urad/Urid Dal (peas) Vegetables | Urad/Urid flour |
Vanillin | Vinegars (Specific Types) | Vitamin A (retinol) |
Waxy Maize | Whey | White Vinegar |
Wines | Wine Vinegars (& Balsamic) | Wild Rice |
Xanthan Gum | Yam Flour | Yogurt (plain, unflavored) |
1) Cellulose is a carbohydrate polymer of D-glucose. It is the structural material of plants, such as wood in trees. It contains no gluten protein.
2) Methyl cellulose is a chemically modified form of cellulose that makes a good substitute for gluten in rice-based breads, etc.
3) Recent research indicates that oats may be safe for people on gluten-free diets, although many people may also have an additional, unrelated intolerance to them. Cross contamination with wheat is also a factor that you need to consider before choosing to include oats in your diet.
Acacia Gum金合歡膠 | Acorn Quercus栗子 | Adipic Acid己二酸 |
Adzuki Bean赤豆 | Acacia Gum金合歡膠 | Agar石花菜 |
Alcohol (Spirits - Specific Types)酒精 (指定酒類) | Alfalfa苜蓿 | Algae藻類 |
Algin褐藻膠 | Alginate藻酸鹽 | Allicin蒜素 |
Almond Nut 杏仁果 | Aluminum 鋁 | Amaranth莧菜 |
Annatto胭脂樹紅 | Annatto Color 胭脂紅 | Apple Cider Vinegar蘋果醋 |
Arabic Gum阿拉伯樹膠 | Arrowroot竹芋 | Artichokes朝鮮薊 |
Aspartame阿斯巴特糖(can cause IBS symptoms) 腸易激綜合征 | Aspic鹹肉凍 | Ascorbic Acid維生素C |
Astragalus Gummifer | Baking Soda & Powder (check) 碳酸氫鈉,小蘇打 | Balsamic Vinegar香醋 |
Beans豆類 | Bean, Adzuki赤豆 | Bean, Hyacinth風信子豆 |
Bean, Lentil小扁豆 | Bean, Mung綠豆 | Bean Romano (Chickpea) 鷹嘴豆 |
Bean Tepary菜豆 | Benzoic acid苯甲酸 | Besan |
Betaine 甜菜堿 | BHA 丁基羥基苯甲醚 | BHT 丁基羥基甲苯 |
Beta Carotene貝它 胡羅蔔素 | Bicarbonate of Soda (check)蘇打重碳酸鹽(需要檢查) | Biotin維生素H |
Buckwheat 蕎麥 | Butter (check additives) 黃油(檢查添加劑) | Butylated Hydroxyanisole 丁基羥基苯甲醚 |
Butyl Compounds丁基化合物 | Calcium Carbonate碳酸鈣 | Calcium Caseinate (Contains MSG)酪酸鈣(包含味精) |
Calcium Chloride 氯化鈣 | Calcium Disodium磷酸氫二鈉鈣 | Calcium Phosphate磷酸鈣 |
Calcium Silicate 矽酸鈣 | Calcium Stearate硬脂酸鈣 | Calcium Sulfate硫酸鈣 |
Camphor樟腦 | Canola Oil | Caprylic Acid羊脂酸 |
Carageenan Chondrus Crispus角叉菜 | Carboxymethylcellulose羧甲基纖維素 | Carnauba Wax巴西棕櫚蠟 |
Carob Bean角豆莢 | Carob Bean Gum長豆角膠 | Carob Flour長豆角粉 |
Carrageenan 角叉(菜)膠 | Casein酪蛋白 | Cassava Manihot Esculenta可食用木薯 |
Castor Oil海狸香油 | Cellulose1 纖維素 | Cellulose Gum纖維素羧甲醚 |
Cetyl Alcohol十六(烷)基乙醇 | Cheeses (check ingredients)乾酪(需要檢查成分) | |
Chestnuts 栗子 | Chickpea鷹嘴豆 | Chlorella綠藻 |
Chymosin凝乳 | Citric Acid檸檬酸 | Collagen膠原質 |
Corn 穀物 | Corn Meal玉米粉 | Corn Flour玉米澱粉 |
Cornstarch玉米澱粉 | Corn Syrup玉米糖漿 | Corn Syrup Solids澱粉糖漿乾粉 |
Corn Sweetener 玉米調料 | Cortisone可的松 | Cotton Seed Oil棉花籽油 |
Cowitch豆科攀緣植物 | Cowpea豇豆 | Cream of Tartar 酒石 |
Cysteine, L半胱氨酸 | Demineralized Whey不含礦物質水 | Desamidocollagen |
Dextrose葡萄糖 | Dioctyl Sodium二辛基鈉 | Distilled Vinegar蒸餾酒醋 |
Eggs 蛋類 | Elastin彈性蛋白 | Ester Gum酯膠 |
Fish (fresh) 新鮮的魚肉 | Flaked Rice剝落的米 | Flax亞麻 |
Folic Acid-Folacin葉酸 | Formaldehyde甲醛 | Fructose果糖 |
Fruit (including dried) 水果(包括幹的) | Fumaric Acid反丁烯二酸 | Gelatin凝膠 |
Glutamate (free) 谷氨酸鹽 | Glutamic Acid谷氨酸 | Glutamine (amino acid)谷氨酸 |
Glycerides脂肪酸丙酯 | Glycerol Monooleate單油酸鹽甘油 | Glycol Monosterate |
Glycol乙二醇 | Glycolic acid羥基乙酸 | Gram flour (chick peas)鷹嘴豆麵粉(剛長出的豆) |
Grits, Corn粗燕麥粉 | Guar Gum 瓜爾豆膠 | Hemp纖維 |
Herbs芳草 | Honey蜂蜜 | Hyacinth Bean風信子豆 |
Hydrogen Peroxide過氧化氫 | Hydrolyzed soy protein水溶大豆蛋白 | Iodine 碘 |
Inulin菊粉 | Invert Sugar轉化糖 | Job's Tears 回回米 |
Kasha (roasted buckwheat)蕎麥粥(被烘烤過的) | Keratin 角蛋白 | Kudzu Root Starch野葛根粉 |
Lactic Acid 乳酸 | Lactose 乳糖 | Lanolin羊毛脂 |
Lecithin蛋黃素 | Lentil小扁豆 | Lipase脂肪 |
Locust Bean Gum洋槐果實膠 | Magnesium Carbonate碳酸鎂 | Magnesium Hydroxide氫氧化鎂 |
Maize玉蜀黍 | Maize Waxy 玉米蠟 | Malic Acid羥基丁二酸 |
Maltitol麥芽糖醇 | Manioc樹薯粉 | Masa濕潤粉糊 |
Masa Flour 麵粉糊 | Masa Harina | Meat (fresh)肉類(新鮮的) |
Methyl Cellulose2甲基纖維素 | Microcrystallin Cellulose纖維素晶體 | Milk奶 |
Millet粟粒 | Milo蜀黍 | Mineral Oil礦物油 |
Mineral Salts天然鹽 | Monosodium Glutamate MSG (made in USA)味精(美國製造) | Monopotassium Phosphate磷酸二氫鉀 |
Mung Bean 綠豆 | Musk麝香 | Niacin-Niacinamide煙 |
Nuts (except wheat, rye & barley)堅果仁(除了小麥、黑麥、大麥) | Nut, Acron | Nut, Almond杏仁豆 |
Oats3 燕麥 | Oils and Fats油及脂肪 | Oleyl Alcohol/Oil油醇 |
Paraffin 石蠟 | Peas豌豆 | Pea - Chick新鮮豌豆 |
Pea- Cow 豌豆 | Pea Flour豌豆粉 | Pepsin胃蛋白 |
Peru Balsam 秘魯香 | Petrolatum礦脂 | Phenylalanine苯基丙氨酸 |
Pigeon Peas 鴿子豆 | Polenta玉米糊 | Polyethylene Glycol聚氧乙烯 |
Polyglycerol聚乙烯甘油 | Polysorbates聚山梨醇酯 | Potassium Citrate檸檬酸鉀 |
Potassium Iodide 碘化鉀 | Potassium Sorbate山梨酸鉀 | Potatoes馬鈴薯 |
Potato Flour 馬鈴薯粉 | Prinus | Pristane樸日斯烷 |
Propolis 蜂膠 | Propylene Glycol丙二醇 | Propylene Glycol Monosterate |
Propyl Gallate鎵酸鹽丙烷基 | Psyllium | Pyridoxine Hydrochloride氫氯化維生素B6 |
Quinoa奎奴亞藜 | Rape葡萄渣 | Rennet凝乳塊 |
Reticulin | Rice 大米 | Rice Flour米粉 |
Rice Vinegar 米醋 | Romano Bean (chickpea)羅馬諾乾酪豆(鷹嘴豆) | Rosin松香 |
Royal Jelly 蜂王漿 | Sago Palm西米棕櫚科植物 | Sago Flour西米粉 |
Saifun (bean threads) | Scotch Whisky蘇格蘭威士忌酒 | Seaweed海藻 |
Seeds (except wheat, rye & barley) 種子(除了小麥、黑麥、大麥) | Seed - Sesame芝麻豆 | Seed -Sunflower向日葵種子 |
Sphingolipids鞘脂類 | Soba (be sure it's 100% buckwheat) | Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate焦磷酸鈉酸 |
Sodium Alginate藻酸鹽鈉 | Sodium Ascorbate抗壞血酸鹽鈉 | Sodium Benzoate苯(甲)酸鈉 |
Sodium Caseinate酪蛋白酸鈉 | Sodium Citrate檸檬酸鈉 | Sodium Erythrobate |
Sodium Hexametaphosphate | Sodium Lauryl Sulfate十二(烷)醇硫酸鈉 | Sodium Nitrate硝酸鈉 |
Sodium Phosphate磷酸鈉 | Sodium Silacoaluminate | Sodium Stannate錫酸鈉 |
Sorbic Acid山梨酸 | Sorbitol-Mannitol (can cause IBS symptoms) 山梨(糖)醇甘露醇(可以導致 | Sorghum高粱糖漿 |
Sorghum Flour高粱糖漿麵粉 | Soy 醬油 | Soybean大豆 |
Soy Lecithin 大豆卵磷脂 | Spices (pure) 辛香料(純) | Spirits (Specific Types) 酒(指定種類) |
Stearates硬脂酸鹽 | Stearamide | Stearamine |
Stearic Acid硬脂酸 | Sunflower Seed向日葵種子 | Succotash (corn and beans)豆煮玉米(玉米和大豆) |
Sucrose蔗糖 | Sulfosuccinate | Sulfites亞硫酸鹽 |
Sulfur Dioxide二氧化硫 | Sweet Chestnut Flour甜栗子粉 | Tallow動物脂 |
Tapioca木薯粉 | Tapioca Flour木薯粉 | Tarrow Root |
Tartaric Acid酒石酸 | TBHQ is Tetra or Tributylhydroquinone脂鯉或雙酸甘油酯對苯二酚 | Tea茶 |
Tea-Tree Oil 茶樹油 | Teff埃塞俄比亞畫眉草 | Teff Flour埃塞俄比亞畫眉草麵粉 |
Tepary Bean寬葉菜豆 | Thiamine Hydrochoride 硫胺素氫氧化物 | Tofu-Soya Curd豆腐 |
Tolu Balsam妥魯香液 | Tragacanth | Tragacanth Gum黃蓍膠 |
Tri-Calcium Phosphate三改磷酸鹽 | Turmeric (Kurkuma)薑黃根 | Tyrosine酪氨酸 |
Urad/Urid Beans | Urad/Urid Dal (peas) Vegetables | Urad/Urid flour |
Vanillin香草醛 | Vinegars (Specific Types)醋 | Vitamin A (retinol)維他命A |
Waxy Maize 玉米蠟 | Whey乳清 | White Vinegar白醋 |
Wines 酒 | Wine Vinegars (& Balsamic)白醋和香油 | Wild Rice野生米 |
Xanthan Gum黃原膠 | Yam Flour山芋粉 | Yogurt (plain, unflavored)酸乳酪(普通的沒有加香料的) |
1) 纖維素是葡萄糖碳水化合物的聚合物。 它是植物結構材料, 就像是樹的木一樣。 它不含穀膠蛋白質。
2) 甲醇纖維素是一種經化工修改的纖維素,可以作為穀膠的良好替代物用來製造米類麵包 等。
3) 研究顯示, 燕麥可能是穀膠過敏者的安全食品,雖然仍有部分人會對燕麥過敏 。然而,在你選擇燕麥前,也必須小心考慮麥子的交互污染等因素。
Unsafe food for gluten free diet 穀膠過敏者的不安全食品
(Information source: www.celiac.com)
Abyssinian Hard (Wheat triticum durum) | Alcohol (Spirits - Specific Types) | Amp-Isostearoyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein |
Barley Grass (can contain seeds) | Barley Hordeum vulgare | Barley Malt |
Beer | Bleached Flour | Blue Cheese (made with bread) |
Bran | Bread Flour | Brewer's Yeast |
Brown Flour | Bulgur (Bulgar Wheat/Nuts) | Bulgur Wheat |
Cereal Binding | Chilton | Club Wheat (Triticum aestivum subspecies compactum) |
Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Couscous | Dextrimaltose |
Disodium Wheatgermamido Peg-2 Sulfosuccinate | Durum wheat (Triticum durum) | Edible Starch |
Einkorn (Triticum monococcum) | Emmer (Triticum dicoccon) | Farina Graham |
Filler | Fu (dried wheat gluten) | Germ |
Graham Flour | Granary Flour | Groats (barley, wheat) |
Hard Wheat | Hydrolyzed Wheat Gluten | Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein |
Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Pg-Propyl Silanetriol | Hydrolyzed Wheat Starch | Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein |
Kamut (Pasta wheat) | Malt | Malt Extract |
Malt Syrup | Malt Flavoring | Malt Vinegar |
Macha Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Matzo Semolina | Oriental Wheat (Triticum turanicum) |
Pasta | Pearl Barley | Persian Wheat (Triticum carthlicum) |
Poulard Wheat (Triticum turgidum) | Polish Wheat (Triticum polonicum) | Rice Malt (if barley or Koji are used) |
Rye | Seitan | Semolina |
Semolina Triticum | Shot Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Shoyu (soy sauce)4 |
Small Spelt | Soba Noodles4 | Soy Sauce |
Spirits (Specific Types) | Spelt (Triticum spelta) | Sprouted Wheat or Barley |
Stearyldimoniumhydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein | Strong Flour | Suet in Packets |
Tabbouleh | Teriyaki Sauce | Textured Vegetable Protein-TVP |
Timopheevi Wheat (Triticum timopheevii) | Triticale X triticosecale | Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Flour Lipids |
Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract | Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil | Udon (wheat noodles) |
Vavilovi Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Vegetable Starch | Vitamins4 |
Wheat, Abyssinian Hard triticum durum | Wheat Amino Acids | Wheat Bran Extract |
Wheat, Bulgur | Wheat Durum Triticum | Wheat Germ Extract |
Wheat Germ Glycerides | Wheat Germ Oil | Wheat Germamidopropyldimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein |
Wheat Grass (can contain seeds) | Wheat Nuts | Wheat Protein |
Wheat Triticum aestivum | Wheat Triticum Monococcum | Wheat (Triticum Vulgare) Bran Extract |
Whole Meal Flour | Wild Einkorn (Triticum boeotictim) | Wild Emmer (Triticum dicoccoides) |
The following items may or may not contain gluten depending on where and how they are made, and it is sometimes necessary to check with the manufacturer to find out:
Artificial Color4 | Artificial Flavoring6 |
Caramel Color1, 3 | Coloring4 |
Dextrins1,7 | Flavoring6 |
Food Starch1, 4 | Gravy Cubes4 |
Ground Spices4 | Maltodextrin1,8 |
Miso4 | Modified Food Starch1, 4 |
Modified Starch1, 4 | Mono and Diglycerides1 |
Monosodium Glutimate (MSG)1, 4 | Mustard Powder 4 |
Natural Flavoring6 | Starch1,4 |
Stock Cubes4 | Wheat Starch5 |
1) If this ingredient is made in North America it is likely to be gluten-free.
2) The problem with caramel color is it may or may not contain gluten depending on how it is manufactured. In the USA caramel color must conform with the FDA standard of identity from 21CFR CH.1. This statute says: "the color additive caramel is the dark-brown liquid or solid material resulting from the carefully controlled heat treatment of the following food-grade carbohydrates: Dextrose (corn sugar), invert sugar, lactose (milk sugar), malt syrup (usually from barley malt), molasses (from cane), starch hydrolysates and fractions thereof (can include wheat), sucrose (cane or beet)." Also, acids, alkalis and salts are listed as additives which may be employed to assist the caramelization process.
3) Can utilize a gluten-containing grain or by-product in the manufacturing process, or as an ingredient.
4) Most celiac organizations in the USA and Canada do not believe that wheat starch is safe for celiacs. In Europe, however, Codex Alimentarius Quality wheat starch is considered acceptable in the celiac diet by most doctors and celiac organizations. This is a higher quality of wheat starch than is generally available in the USA or Canada.
5) According to 21 C.F.R. S 101,22(a)(3): "[t]he terns 'natural flavor' or 'natural flavoring' means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof. Whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional."
6) Dextrin is an incompletely hydrolyzed starch. It is prepared by dry heating corn, waxy maize, waxy milo, potato, arrowroot, WHEAT, rice, tapioca, or sago starches, or by dry heating the starches after: (1) Treatment with safe and suitable alkalis, acids, or pH control agents and (2) drying the acid or alkali treated starch. (1) Therefore, unless you know the source, you must avoid dextrin.
May 1997 Sprue-Nik News.
(1) Federal Register (4-1-96 Edition) 21CFR Ch.1, Section 184.12277.
(2) Federal Register (4-1-96) 21 CFR. Ch.1, Section 184.1444
7) Maltodextrin is prepared as a white powder or concentrated solution by partial hydrolysis of corn starch or potato starch with safe and suitable acids and enzymes.
(1) Maltodextrin, when listed on food sold in the USA, must be (per FDA regulation) made from corn or potato. This rule does NOT apply to vitamin or mineral supplements and medications.
(2) Donald Kasarda Ph.D., a research chemist specializing on grain proteins, of the United States Department of Agriculture, found that all maltodextrins in the USA are made from corn starch, using enzymes that are NOT derived from wheat, rye, barley, or oats. On that basis he believes that celiacs need not be too concerned about maltodextrins, though he cautions that there is no guarantee that a manufacturer won't change their process to use wheat starch or a gluten-based enzyme in the future.
(3) - May 1997 Sprue-Nik News
1. Federal Register (4-1-96) 21 CFR. Ch.1, Section 184.1444
2."Additives Alert", an information sheet from the Greater Philadelphia Celiac Support Group, updated early in 1997. This specific information comes from Nancy Patin Falini, the dietitian advisor for the group and a speaker at a national celiac conferences in the past few years.
3. From the CELLIAC Listserv archives, on the Internet, Donald D. Kasarda, posted November 6, 1996.
Abyssinian Hard (Wheat triticum durum) 阿比西尼亞的穀膠(一種硬的小麥) | Alcohol (Spirits - Specific Types) 酒精(特定的類型) | Amp-Isostearoyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein |
Barley Grass (can contain seeds) 大麥草(包含種子) | Barley Hordeum vulgare粗大麥 | Barley Malt大麥芽 |
Beer啤酒 | Bleached Flour漂白粉 | Blue Cheese (made with bread) 藍紋乳酪(和麵包一起製作) |
Bran糠 | Bread Flour麵粉 | Brewer's Yeast啤酒酵母 |
Brown Flour黑麥粉 | Bulgur (Bulgar Wheat/Nuts) 碾碎的幹小麥(保加利亞小麥) | Bulgur Wheat碾碎的幹小麥 |
Cereal Binding 穀殼 | Chilton | Club Wheat (Triticum aestivum subspecies compactum) 混合小麥 (由多種夏季生長的小麥科植物混合而成) |
Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum) 普通小麥(夏天生長的小麥科植物) | Couscous蒸粗麥粉 | Dextrimaltose糊精麥芽糖 |
Disodium Wheatgermamido Peg-2 Sulfosuccinate | Durum wheat (Triticum durum) 硬質小麥 | Edible Starch可食用澱粉 |
Einkorn (Triticum monococcum)單粒小麥 | Emmer (Triticum dicoccon)二粒小麥 | Farina Graham全麥澱粉 |
Filler煙草 | Fu (dried wheat gluten) | Germ胚芽 |
Graham Flour粗麵粉 | Granary Flour穀子粉 | Groats (barley, wheat) 去殼的小麥、大麥 |
Hard Wheat硬小麥 | Hydrolyzed Wheat Gluten水溶性麥質 | Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein 水溶小麥蛋白 |
Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Pg-Propyl Silanetriol | Hydrolyzed Wheat Starch水溶小麥澱粉 | Hydroxypropy ltrimonium Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein |
Kamut (Pasta wheat) 義大利小麥 | Malt麥芽 | Malt Extract麥精 |
Malt Syrup麥芽糖 | Malt Flavoring麥芽調味品 | Malt Vinegar麥芽(製成的)醋 |
Macha Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Matzo Semolina 猶太的精製麥質 | Oriental Wheat (Triticum turanicum) 東方的小麥 |
Pasta義大利面製品 | Pearl Barley珍珠麥 | Persian Wheat (Triticum carthlicum)波斯小麥 |
Poulard Wheat (Triticum turgidum) | Polish Wheat (Triticum polonicum)波蘭小麥 | Rice Malt (if barley or Koji are used) 米麥芽(如果使用了大麥和清酒麴) |
Rye黑麥 | Seitan | Semolina粗粒小麥粉 |
Semolina Triticum粗粒小麥粉 | Shot Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | 醬油Shoyu (soy sauce)4 |
Small Spelt斯佩耳特小麥 | Soba Noodles4 蕎麥面 | Soy Sauce醬油 |
Spirits (Specific Types) 酒 (指定種類) | Spelt (Triticum spelta) | Sprouted Wheat or Barley發芽的小麥和大麥 |
Stearyldimoniumhydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein | Strong Flour強力麵粉 | Suet in Packets 牛羊等腰部的板油 |
Tabbouleh塔博勒沙拉 | Teriyaki Sauce紅燒調味料 | Textured Vegetable Protein-TVP 結構性植物蛋白 |
Timopheevi Wheat (Triticum timopheevii) | Triticale X triticosecale 小麥與黑麥的雜交麥 | Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Flour Lipids 普通小麥麵粉脂 |
Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract普通小麥胚芽 | Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil普通小麥胚芽油 | Udon (wheat noodles) 烏冬 (小麥面) |
Vavilovi Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Vegetable Starch蔬菜澱粉 | 維他命Vitamins4 |
Wheat, Abyssinian Hard triticum durum 阿比西尼亞的硬質小麥 | Wheat Amino Acids 小麥氨基酸 | Wheat Bran Extract 精選麥質 |
Wheat, Bulgur 碾碎的幹小麥 | Wheat Durum Triticum碾碎的幹小麥 | Wheat Germ Extract精選麥芽 |
Wheat Germ Glycerides小麥甘油酯 | Wheat Germ Oil麥芽油 | Wheat Germamidopropyldimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein |
Wheat Grass (can contain seeds)小麥草(包含種子) | Wheat Nuts小麥堅果 | Wheat Protein小麥蛋白 |
Wheat Triticum aestivum | Wheat Triticum Monococcum | Wheat (Triticum Vulgare) Bran Extract精選麥質 |
Whole Meal Flour粗麵粉 | Wild Einkorn (Triticum boeotictim) 野生單粒小麥 | Wild Emmer (Triticum dicoccoides) 野生二粒小麥 |
Artificial Color4人造色素4 | Artificial Flavoring6人造調料6 |
Caramel Color1, 3上色焦糖1, 3 | Coloring4上色料4 |
Dextrins1,7糊精1,7 | Flavoring6調味品 |
Food Starch1, 4食用澱粉1, 4 | Gravy Cubes4肉粒 |
Ground Spices4香料渣4 | Maltodextrin1,8麥芽糊精1,8 |
Miso4味噌4 | Modified Food Starch1, 4改良食用澱粉1, 4 |
Modified Starch1, 4改良澱粉1, 4 | Mono and Diglycerides1單酸甘油酯和雙酸甘油酯1 |
Monosodium Glutimate(MSG)1, 4 谷氨酸一鈉 (味精)1, 4 | Mustard Powder 4芥末粉4 |
Natural Flavoring6天然調味品6 | Starch1,4澱粉1,4 |
Stock Cubes4原料粒4 | Wheat Starch5小麥澱粉5 |
1) 如果這種成份是在北美洲製造的話,它可能是不含穀膠。
2) 帶有焦糖顏色的食品是否含有穀膠要視乎它的製作方法而定。
3) 在製造過程中可以使用五穀穀膠或副產物, 或作為主要成份。
4) 美國和加拿大,多數有關組織不相信麥子澱粉對腹腔是有利的。 但是在歐洲, 聯合食物質量標準中麥子澱粉卻被大多數醫生和有關組織接受。 這些麥子澱粉的質量比美國或加拿大的一般麥子澱粉要高。
5) 根據21CFR S 101,22(a)(3): 燕鷗'天然香辛料' 或' 天然香料' 指的是精油, 含油樹脂, 精華或抽取物, 蛋白質水解物, 蒸餾物, 或任何烤制的產品, 熱化或分解酵素,包含香料組成部分, 果子或果汁, 菜或蔬菜汁, 可食的酵母, 香草, 樹皮, 花苞, 根, 葉子或相似的植物材料, 肉類, 海鮮, 禽畜, 蛋, 乳製品, 或發酵產品。其在食物中的主要作用是增添味道而不是營養。
6) 糊精是部分水解的澱粉。 它是由將玉米,軟玉米,軟蘆粟, 土豆, 葛粉, 麥子, 米, 珍珠粉, 或西米澱粉乾燥熱化而成:
(1) 使用安全和適當的堿, 酸, 或酸鹼度控制和(2)經酸或堿處理過的烘乾澱粉。 (1) 所以,你應該儘量避免食用糊精。
May 1997 Sprue-Nik News.
(1) Federal Register (4-1-96 Edition) 21CFR Ch.1, Section 184.12277.
(2) Federal Register (4-1-96) 21 CFR. Ch.1, Section 184.1444
7) 麥芽糖糊精是一種白色粉末,由玉米澱粉或馬鈴薯澱粉分解加上安全合適的酸和酵素。
(1) 在美國食物銷售表中,規定麥芽糖糊精的原料必須(糧食與藥物管理局章程) 是玉米或土豆。 這個規則不適用於維生素和礦物的補充劑。
(2) Donald Kasarda是化學博士,他在美國農業部專門研究五穀蛋白質。他發現美國所有的麥芽糖糊精的原料都是玉米澱粉, 並以非從麥子,黑麥, 大麥, 或燕麥中提取的酵素製成。 依據這個發現他相信,麥芽糖糊精對腹腔沒有太大的關係,不過他亦承認難保證製造商在將來會改變生產方式去使用麥澱粉或穀膠酵素。
(3) - May 1997 Sprue-Nik News
1. Federal Register (4-1-96) 21 CFR. Ch.1, Section 184.1444
2."Additives Alert", an information sheet from the Greater Philadelphia Celiac Support Group, updated early in 1997. This specific information comes from Nancy Patin Falini, the dietitian advisor for the group and a speaker at a national celiac conferences in the past few years.
3. From the CELLIAC Listserv archives, on the Internet, Donald D. Kasarda, posted November 6, 1996.
Diet Management 飲食管理
We share with you what Karyn Seroussi wrote in her book,
"Some cases of autism are treatable with dietary intervention, and the sooner, the better".
l Only one hundred of those receive an early diagnosis;
l Only ten of those have parents who find out about the diet soon after;
l Only five of those have parents who decide to try the diet;
l Only three of those have parents able to understand how to do it properly
l Only one of those children is in the subgroup that will respond
"It appears that there is a window of opportunity after the onset of the behaviors during which certain children are still able to regain functional use of the enzymes that breakdown the neuropeptides."
Effects of the diet
Dietary research has shown the following improvements, though vary according to individuals:
l Increased level of attention and concentration
l More calm and settled
l Decreases in aggression
l Improvements in sleeping patterns
l Improvements in communications
l Improvements in physical coordination
l Improved eating habits
l Improved eye contact
Watch out for dairy
Ingredients that contains dairy : milk, skim milk, butter, yogurt, lactose, powdered milk, goat¡¦s milk,cheese, casein, caseinate, whey. Do not worry. Apart from milk, you should be able to find soy cheese, dairy free live yogurt as substitute.
Know about gluten
There are four groups of foods you should pay attention to: (1) Grains, (2) seasoning & condiments (3) bread and cake and biscuits (4) hidden gluten in convenience & canned foods.
(1)Common grains that contain gluten : wheat, oat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, semolina. It is suggested to replace them with rice, millet, potato, soy, quinoa, topicoa.
(2) Many seasonings and spread such as soy sauce, vinegar, rice syrup, sauce, salad dressing, jam, cube, gravy actually contains gluten. Look for wheat free tamari,gluten free condiments, gluten free/dairy free chocolate spread.
(3) Unless you get the biscuits/bread/cake from a specialty store, you can safely assume all bakery goods and biscuits available from ordinary bakery contain wheat and gluten. You can make your own bread, pancake, waffle, cake, muffins¡K¡Kusing gluten free flour and mixes. Add tapioca flour, potato flour, xanthum gum (remotely derived from corn) and guar gum( from the seed of a plant of legume family), egg or egg replacer to create the best texture. Toast your bread will give a better taste. As for cookies, you need not worry. There are quite a lot of substitutes of different flavours: chocolate (made from cocoa), digestive, bourbon, custard cream, ginger, crispbread, rice cake, crackers, tea biscuits.
(4) Many canned foods and convenience foods also contain gluten such as chips, French fries, chocolates, candy. Vitamins, supplements, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, glue, playdough, crayon may also contain gluten. So, be sure you avoid gluten in all situations.
A brief guide to diet management
Don't rush into it
After making up their mind, some parents are so eager to try out the diet that they simply rush into it without sufficient preparation. This is counter-productive and will likely create a lot of stress and disappointment for the child and the whole family. Allow yourself at least 2 weeks to prepare for it. Here are the things you should do during these two weeks:
Get support from hubby and granny
Discuss the diet with your spouse and other key members of the family such as grandparents and obtain his/their full support as much as possible. We can¡¦t afford to have a diet on one hand and the other parent/grandparent keep feeding the child forbidden food on the other hand.
Seek cooperation from nanny
Brief your child’s caregiver and nanny fully what is this all about. You may be surprised that they may turn out to be very sympathetic and willing to work with you. Win their heart and not bulldoze it. You need their full cooperation.
Separate cooking utensils
Separate all the cooking utensils (including toaster) for your child,unless you have decided to apply the diet to all family members. While your other family members may still want to eat foods containing gluten and dairy (e.g. cartons of fresh cow¡¦s milk and wheat spaghetti), it is advisable to ensure all essential cooking ingredients (soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, seasonings are entirely replaced by gluten and casein free ones to avoid the confusion and cross contamination).
Reserve kitchen space for GFCF foods
Clear some space in your kitchen cabinet for the new food items. It is better to reserve a compartment solely for your child¡¦s food and snack. There are two advantages: avoid confusion and secondly, your child will learn gradually where to find his food at home.
Write a new food plan
Make a list of food that your child likes to eat and make another list of substitute food. See if you can replace the forbidden food fully. For example, if your child drinks milk every morning and eat cereal. You should replace it with rice milk and quinoa meal or gluten free bread with gluten free/dairy fee jam and chocolate spread for breakfast.
Check out health grocery
Go and check out health grocery and supermarkets what food items they have. Learn to read the labels and ingredient list. If in doubt, ask store operator for further information.
Create a daily journal
Set aside a diet journal for your child. This can be a notebook or you can create a file in your PC. The daily journal should consist of three sections. The first section is a record clearly stated what food the child eat during breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner ,etc. The second section is what supplements does he/she take or being added/or being taken away during that day. The third section is to a description of the child¡¦s overall conditions, mood, eye contact, responsiveness, school performance,toileting, bowel movement or any other things you think it worthwhile for evaluating the diet. Since you need to input data onto this journal everyday, our subjective opinion is that you should just use the most simple method ----- a notebook ---- which (1) you can bring it anywhere you like (e.g. to the clinic if you had an appointment with your child¡¦s doctor, bring it with you during holiday trip) ;(2) you can ask your nanny or husband to fill it in for you if you are not free on that day. The idea is to share out the responsibility a bit.
Inform the school
Make sure you talk to the teacher about the new diet before you start. It is better to make an appointment with the teacher rather than telling her causally while you pick up your kid from school. To prepare for the meeting, you should have the following with you (1) a short note explaining why a new diet is needed (2) A list of common forbidden food (3) a box of snacks suitable for your child for keeping by the teacher to deal with unforeseeable situations. In order not to confuse the teacher, you can simply tell them that your child is allergic to milk and gluten, and they should refrain from giving him food without consulting you.
Set a start date
It is important that you choose the best time to start the diet. Avoid major festival or upcoming birthday when your child will crave for festive and party foods that he/she can have. Avoid starting it when you are having an overseas holiday because mealtime and availability of foods is much less predictable. School holiday (if no overseas vacation is involved) is a good time to start as you can have full control over what food your child eat. Understandably, you should avoid periods when your child is particularly moody and weak such as falling sick. Once you feel that your preparation is ready, you should go for it.
Remove dairy first
When you are ready, remove dairy from the diet in the first place. It should not be very difficult. Replace the cow¡¦s milk with rice, soy, quinoa, almond, tapioca, potato milk. Be sure that they are also gluten free so as to avoid changes in the near future. Some rice milk may contain traces of barley, malt and are not gluten free. If in doubt, always check directly with the manufacturers or your store operator.
Remove gluten is the next step
After you have removed dairy, you can consider removing gluten in about two to three weeks¡¦ time, if not earlier. It may take a few attempts to find out the foods that your child will happily eat. Be optimistic and keep trying.
Create your own recipe
If your child will not switch to non dairy drinks right away, try and mix it with cereals first. Or add a little bit sugar (organic cane sugar or unrefined sugar) to enrich the taste. Or dilute the milk with a little bit of water as sometimes the taste of soy is quite strong. Just be creative. As the memory of milk fade, the taste may gain more acceptance.
Regression is normal
The initial one to three weeks is critical and most children will show regressions in behaviour such as anxiety, crying, moody, clinginess. This is similar to the withdrawal symptoms of opioid addicts trying to stop the drugs and regression is not abnormal. In most cases, the stronger the reaction of the child, the more likely that he/she will benefit from the diet.
All or nothing is the key
Your child must stick to the diet rigidly. There is no middle ground. Half hearted-attempt is worse than not doing it at all, taking into account all the trouble in implementing the diet.
This is not a quick fix
Be patient and it is advisable to stick to the diet for at least six months. This is because the body takes time to reorganize its biological system and there is a belief that some of the products derived from gluten may be stored in the body, and this means that even when the foods are removed the child may still have a reserve of them.
More home-cooked food, less processed food
Eat home cooked food is always the safest and most healthiest approach. The more food is processed, the more nutrient depleted and chemically altered it becomes. Many of the chemicals added to food (flavour enhancers, colours, various additives and preservatives have been conclusively shown to contribute to hyperactivity, learning disabilities,psychiatric disorders and many other health problems.Natural foods subject to extreme heat,pressure, enzymes, solvents and countless number of various other chemicals ,fats get hydrogenated and proteins get denatured. So, aside from the diet, if you need to eat processed foods at times, try to switch to those with no chemicals and artificial colouring, organics, no genetically modified ingredients.
Rotate the foods in your diet
Your child may be a picky-eater but you must try to rotate the foods in his diet so that he will not be too dependent upon one food. For example, he should rotate fish, pork, beef, lamb¡K. And the same applies to vegetables as well as non-dairy substitutes. A bit of everything is always better than focusing on a few food. For people prone to food intolerance, it is ironical that the more he craves for one food, the more likely that he is intolerant of that and the more he eats, the more he will react to it.
我們與你分享Karyn Seroussi在她的書中所寫:
- 只有百分之一的患者得到了早期的診治。
- 其中只有十分之一患者的父母發現了飲食療法
- 其中只有百分之五患者的父母決定嘗試飲食療法
- 其中只有百分之三的父母知道該如何正確地實行
- 其中只有百分之一的病童對治療有反應
- 改善注意力及精神集中能力
- 更安靜及情緒穩定
- 減低攻擊性
- 改善睡眠習慣
- 改善體能情況
- 改善進食習慣
- 改善進食習慣
1. | 含有谷膠的一般性穀類包括:小麥、燕麥、斯佩爾特小麥、有機卡姆小麥、黑麥、大麥和精製麥麩。建議用大米、粟、馬鈴薯、大豆、昆諾阿藜和topicoa代替。 |
2. | 很多調味品和醬料比如鼓油、醋、米糖漿、醬汁、沙拉醬、果醬、方糖、肉汁都含有穀膠。可以使用不含小麥的醬油、不含穀膠的調味品、不含穀膠和不含乳製品的巧克力醬。 |
3. | 除 非你從專門的商店購買餅乾、蛋糕和麵包,否則你可以假設所有的普通麵包店提供的麵包和餅乾都是含有小麥和穀膠的。當然你可以自己用不含穀膠的麵粉做麵包、 薄餅、華夫餅、蛋糕和松餅,再加入些木薯粉、馬鈴薯麵粉、黃多醣膠(來源於玉米)和瓜爾豆膠(來源於豆類植物的種子)、蛋和蛋的替代品混合起來。如果烤的 話會更好吃。如果做曲奇餅的話你不用擔心。有很多不同的替代品可以使用,例如:巧克力(可哥豆製成的)、波旁酒、乳蛋糕奶油、生薑、脆的麵包、冰花白糕、 薄脆餅乾和茶餅。 |
4. | 許多罐裝的食物和便利食品也含有穀膠,像薯片、法式炸薯條、巧克力和糖果。維生素、補品、牙膏、洗髮精、調節器、洗液、膠水、泥膠、蠟筆也可能含有穀膠。 所以在所有情況下都要注意遠離穀膠。 |
要單獨為你的孩子準備一套煮食器具(包括杯子),除非你打算讓全家人都照這個方案來吃。當你的其他家庭成員可能還是想吃含有穀膠和酪蛋白的食物(例 如:紙盒包裝的新鮮牛奶和義大利面),最好還要確保所有烹飪用的調料沒問題(醬油、糖、醋等調味品完全可以由不含穀膠和酪蛋白的來替代,這樣可以防止交叉 污染)。
為你孩子建立一本食物記錄。可以記在記事本上或者在電腦裏建立一個檔案。每天的記錄都應該包括3個部分。第一部分清楚列明孩子早餐、午餐、零食和晚餐都吃 了什麼食物。第二部分是他每天食用的副食品。第三部分是對孩子身體狀況、精神狀況、眼神的交流、反應速度、在校表現、排泄、腸蠕動以及其他所有你認為值得 關注的地方進行全面的描述。從你需要每天開始錄入資料算起,我們認為你需要用最簡單的辦法—記事本—因為:(1)你可以隨身攜帶。(例如:你和孩子去醫院 看病的時候,週末出去度假的時候);(2)如果你沒空的話你可以讓你的保姆或者丈夫來進行記錄,可以讓別人也分擔一點責任。
在你開始使用新的飲食計畫之前一定要告訴學校裏的老師。跟他約好一個時間好好的談一下,會比你去接孩子下課時見到老師要好很多。為了這次會面,你應該準備 以下的事情:(1)一個簡短的記錄表明為什麼需要這個新的飲食計畫。(2)給一般容易見到的不能吃的食物列張表。(3)給老師一盒適合你孩子吃的零食用來 處理不可預知的特殊情況。為了不讓老師感到糊塗,你可以簡單地跟他們說你孩子對牛奶和穀膠過敏即可,這樣他們就會未跟你確定之前不給孩子亂吃東西。
你如果可以挑選一個最合適的時間開始這飲食計畫是非常重要的。要避免一些主要的節慶日子或者即將到來的生日,因為在這些日子裏你的孩子會很渴望吃那些節日 裏吃的食物。要避免你即將開始一趟出國旅行的時候,因為在那段日子你所接觸的食物是很難預測的。學校假期(如果不涉及出國的度假)是一個很好的時機來開始 這個飲食計畫,因為你可以對你孩子的食物進行全面的控制。當然你要避免在你孩子喜怒無常或得病很虛弱的時候。當你覺得經已準備好了,你就應該開始行動。
吃自己家裏烹煮的食物是最安全和最健康的方法。食物加工的過程愈多,營養流失的也就愈多,化學添加劑也愈多。有許多的化學添加劑(增加香味的、增加色彩 的、還有各式各樣的防腐劑)都被證明會讓人過度興奮、無力學習、精神失調以及許多的其他健康問題。天然食品過度受熱、壓力、酵素、溶劑以及數不盡的其他化 學產品的影響,油脂會被氫化,蛋白質也會失去自然特性。所以如果當你要食用已經加工過的食物時,儘量要吃那些不含化學添加劑和人造色素以及沒有經過基因改 良的品種。
你的孩子可能偏食,但你必須不時的變化他的食物,這樣可以讓他不會過度依賴單一的一種食物。比如,他可以換著吃魚、豬肉、牛肉、羊肉,同樣也可以換著吃蔬 菜和其他不含牛奶的替代品。每樣都吃一點肯定是比只吃幾樣的食物是要好的。諷刺地,對於對食物有過敏反應的人而言,他愈是渴望的食物,通常就是會令他過敏 的食物,所以吃得愈多,過敏反應便愈嚴重。
Top Ten Immunity Booster 頭10種最有效增強免疫能力的食物和方法是甚麼
Cold pressed oils: olive oil, fish oils, nut and seed oils
Fresh eggs
Onions and garlic
Freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juices
Regular consumption of greens: parsley, spring onion, etc.
Probiotic supplementation and fermented foods such as live yoghurt for a healthy gut flora
Sensible contact with animal and pets
Physical activity in the fresh air
Swimming in unpolluted waters
Exposure to sunlight and sensible sunbathing
2. What are the Top Ten Influences which damage immunity?
Sugar and everything containing it
Processed carbohydrates
Chemically altered and artificial fats: margarines, cooking and vegetable oils, processed fats made with these substances.
Lack of high quality protein in the diet from meats and fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts and seeds
Exposure to man-made chemicals: cleaning and washing chemicals, personal care products,paiants, pesticides,etc.
Exposure to man-made radiation: electronic screens, mobile phones, nuclear wastes
Drugs: antibiotics, steroids, antidepressants, painkillers, anti-viral drugs,etc.
Lack of fresh air and physical activity
Lack of exposure to sunlight
Lack of exposure to common microbes in the environment. The immune system needs constant stimulation from the microbes in the environment.
3. Why EPA and DHA are important for my child?
The human brain is about 60% fats (dry weight). Every membrane of every cell and every organelle inside of cells are made of fats. Many hormones, neurotransmitters and other active substances in the body are made of fats. Fats are extremely important in our diet. The question is what fats?
Here is a group of fatty acids called essential fatty acids (EFAs). Essential means we cannot live without them. Essential fats contain fatty acids which our human body cannot make and we have to get them from food. These are omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Every cell in our body depends on them for proper function and survival. Hundreds of clinical studies have been performed with the use of omega 3 and omega 6 oils, where they were shown to be effective in treating every health condition, including autism, ADHA, dyslexia, diabetes, depression…Due to food processing and poor diets, most of us don't get enough essential fats in our diets.
Two very important omega 3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA which are absolutely vital for normal brain and eye development. They are found in abundance in brain cells, nerve synapses, visual receptors, adrenal and sex glands. Small amount of DHA and EPA are found in seal fat, whale blubber, herring,haddock. Cod liver oil is a good source of DHA and EPA. Cod liver oil is also a good source of vitamin A and D. We generally need more EPA than DHA (as in the body, DHA can be made from EPA). DHA is considered to be essential for building the brain structure whereas EPA for the functioning of the brain.
Omega 6 is another group of essential fatty acids. Many omega 6 oils can be efficiently supplied through regular consumption of nuts and seeds. GLA from evening primrose oil, borage oil and AA from meats and eggs and dairy products. People generally get more omega 6 than omega 3 from their diets and it is generally accepted that we need more omega 3 than omega 6. The ideal ratio should be about 2:1.
In short, children and adults should have a group of essential oils supplemented:
(a) a good seed/nut oil blend in the ratio of 2:1 of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Look for high quality blended oils which have not been refined, adulterated in any way. Mixed with cold or warm food to serve. Avoid heating.
(b)cod liver oil which supply EPA and DHA, vitamin A and vitamin D
(c) fish oil with a higher ratio of EPA to DHA as more EPA seems to benefit our diets, especially for children.
(d) flaxseed oil has a heavy ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 (4:1).
(e) olive oil is a time proven health giving food, used by Mediterranean people for centuries. It helps lower the risk of heart disease, healing and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of pancreatic enzymes, antioxidant activity,anti-cancer effects, anti bacterial and anti viral activity, membrane development, cell formation…….Look for unrefined, extra virgin cold pressed olive oil---means the oils have not been subjected to heating,refining and degumming as these processes will destroy the original nutrients of the oils.
(f) coconut oil is a good source of saturated fats. About 50% of fatty acids in coconut is lauric acid which gets converted into a highly potent anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal substance, called monolaurin. Lauric acid is also one of the natural ingredients of human breast milk, protecting the baby from infections. Look for "virgin coconut oil" that has not been hydrogenated. The process of hydrogenation to lengthen the shelf life has changed the chemical structure of the oils and destroys vitamins and other useful nutrients, and resulted in fats being converted into trans fats, which are well known to cause heart problems.
1. 頭10種最有效增強免疫能力的食物和方法是甚麼?
2. 甚麼是頭10種最能損害免疫力的事物?
經化學處理及人造油脂:人造牛油、煮食用菜油,含有上述物質的加工油脂 .
3. 為何EPA及DHA對我的孩子重要?
有一組脂肪酸被稱為必需脂肪酸(EFAs)。所以謂必需,意即沒有它們我們便無法生存。我們的身體 不能自行製造必需脂肪酸,只能從食物中攝取。這些脂肪酸稱為奧米加3及奧米加6脂肪酸,是人體的每個細胞賴以生存和正常運作的物質。數以百計的奧米加3和 奧米加6脂肪酸的應用研究顯示,它們對治療所有因食用加工食品或飲食失調引起的健康問題都有幫助,包括:自閉症、學習遲緩、誦讀困難,糖尿病及情緒病。普 遍人都不能從日常飲食中吸收到足夠的必需脂肪酸。
兩種最重要的奧米加3脂肪酸分別是EPA和DHA,它們是腦部和眼睛正常發展不可或缺的東西。它們 大量地存在於人體腦細胞、神經突觸、影像接收器、腎上腺和性腺。少量的DHA和EPA可以在海豹的脂肪、鯨魚的脂肪、鯡魚和鱈魚中找到。鱈魚肝油是DHA 及EPA的一個理想的來源,它更含有豐富的維生素A和維生素D。一般而言,我們需要EPA較DHA為多(因為在人體內可以將EPA轉化為DHA)。DHA 被認為是建造腦部組織的必需物質,而EPA則是幫助腦部運作的重要物質。
奧米加6是另一類必需脂肪酸。很多奧米加6脂肪都可以透過經常食用堅果和種籽讓我們足夠地吸取。好 像櫻草油和硫璃苣油含有GLA、瘦肉、蛋和很多乳製品都含有AA。人們通常在日常飲食中攝取到的奧米加6會較奧米加3為多,故此,普遍認為我們對奧米加3 的額外需要較奧米加6為高。兩者之間的理想比例是2:1。
(a) 含有奧米加3及奧米加6脂肪酸比例順次為2:1的優質種籽油或堅果油。或者選用未經提煉及沒有攙入雜質的優質混合油。可將油混入冷或微溫的食物同吃,避免將油加熱。
(c) 含EPA比DHA為高的魚油,因為EPA令我們在飲食中有較大的得益,尤其是小孩。
(d) 亞麻子油中含有的奧米加3遠較奧米加6為多(比例是4:1)。
(e) 多個世紀以來,地中海居民一直食用橄欖油,時間證明這是有益健康的食物。它有助預防心臟病、治療及對抗炎症、刺激胰臟酵素和抗氧化活動,並有防癌、抗菌及 抑制病毒活動、幫助薄膜組織和細胞生長等作用。但需選擇未經改造、初次冷壓的橄欖油,意即未經加熱、提煉或脫去膠質的橄欖油,因為這些過程會損害橄欖油的 營養成分。
(f) 椰油是一個飽和脂肪的良好來源。椰油中大約50%的脂肪酸是月桂酸,它們被轉化為一種高能的抗病毒、抗菌和抗真菌的物質,名為單月桂酸。月桂酸亦是其中一 種存在於人奶中的天然成分,有助保護嬰兒免受感染。應選用未經氫化的初榨橄欖油。氫化處理可以延長產品的儲存期,但會改變油的化學結構,破壞它的維生素和 其他有用的營養成分,結果是脂肪變成公認可以引起種種心臟毛病的轉脂肪。
The ketogenic diet
The Ketogenic Diet
In the January Foods Matter Ruti Chang described how she developed lifethreatening
epilepsy as a result of her parents attempts to ‘fatten her up’ as a child.
She now describes the ketogenic diet and the dramatic effect that it had on her condition.
When I was told that I would be mimicking starvation on a diet high in fats and just enough carbohydrates to prevent hypoglycaemia, I was understandably worried.
My body was going to use to be forced into using fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates and I was going to have to eat meat, eggs, double cream and cheese.
I was shocked to hear that I would initially lose weight and that prohibited foods included bread.
This seemed to go against all healthy eating principles.
Measures and ratios, percentages of fat, glucose and ketone figures were laid in front of me as the dietitian smiled and told me not to worry.
I didn't even know what a ketone was.
I was told that a ketone was produced when fatty acids break down in the body and are used for fuel but felt no wiser for the explanation.
Short history
The ketogenic diet is thought to have been the original human diet of modern man some 10,000 years ago.
During this era man ate meat, bone, flesh and the offal of his prey.
The body of 'meat eating man' would have relied on fat for his fuel source.
In the 1930s American neurologist, Dr Wilder Penfield, treated his epileptic patients with such a dietary regime.
He developed an equation, which he believed would enable a safe state of ketosis that proved successful in reducing or controlling seizures.
His complex theory requires weighing each food product and knowing its exact nutritional make up.
Patients are prescribed a ratio of each food group to be consumed per meal.
Dr Wilder's adaptation of a ketogenic diet begins once all stored carbohydrate reserves are used up.
The blood sugar level should be just above the risk of hypoglycaemia.
To achieve this condition the patient must abstain from all carbohydrates/sugars for a short period, existing solely on protein and fat products.
With no carbohydrates to use for fuel, the body relies on fat.
Fatty acids break down and compounds called 'ketones' are released.
A body existing in this way is known to be in 'ketosis'.
In a nutshell, the body is tricked into acting as if it were in the state of starvation. He claimed that the brain benefits from this status but could not prove exactly how.
Dr Wilder's complex equation is still providing benefits for thousands of companies who realise that the average patient would find food preparation quite beyond them.
Software and catering companies alike have jumped on the band wagon to provide menu sheets, books, daily planners and data recording technology; the food industry has provided exclusive ready made products at top-of-the range prices.
In the early 1970s neurologist Dr Peter Huttenlocher, working at the University of
Chicago, developed his own adaptation of a ketogenic regime named the Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT).
Without the need for Dr Wilder's calculation, MCT could be used as an alternative to powerful and unwanted anti-convulsant medication as a primary treatment for hard-to-control epilepsy.
Despite the media controversy which surrounds the ketogenic lifestyle, Aimee Bowen of the Epilepsy Action group says:
'The ketogenic diet is not a fad or quack diet. It is an alternative medical treatment for children with difficult-to-control epilepsy and should only be used under the supervision of a physician and dietitian.
We believe that only a small number of children in the UK are on the diet because there are very few centres offering the treatment.
‘We have seen that it can be a highly effective treatment and we believe that all children with uncontrolled epilepsy should be assessed for their suitability to
go on the diet.’
Not just for epileptics
Although the ketogenic diet is popular as a treatment for epilepsy this diet is not simply for the sick and ailing.
In the 1920s Harvardtrained anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson became intrigued by the excellent health of certain ethnic and cultural groups.
After extensive observation of the ‘ketogenic culture’ of the Eskimos, he lived, for a year, on a 100% meat diet emerging from the experience in excellent health and with none of the expected cardiovascular, kidney or liver diseases.
Amidst the shadow of controversy he designed a ketogenic diet for public therapeutic use.
Athletics – body building
For those at the peak of muscle aesthetics, fat burning diets have always been popular.
It is believed that constantly damaged muscle tissue is repaired faster on a ketogenic diet.
Body builders constantly damage muscle tissue during training sessions.
To speed up, repair and continue to gain lean muscle tissue the diet of choice
is ketogenic.
Designed for peakof- fitness athletes, an average body building adaptation demands a 3,000 calorie intake of fat and high quality protein.
This demand is obvious in most sport shops.
Huge banners advertise 'milkshakes' to enhance muscle gain with 'no net carbohydrate content'.
In other words any carbohydrates in the container are not broken down into sugar/carbohydrate to be used by the human body as fuel.
It is important to note here that fast fat burning diets are used by professional athletes and monitored by nutrition experts.
The Atkins diet
You may be aware of the American heart specialist Dr Atkins who used the ketogenic diet in his work.
Presented as a diet to correct type 2 diabetes and reduce weight without restricting calories, his adaptation has been used, corrupted and abused.
His plan does not require difficult calculations to keep the body in ketosis.
The popular Akins Diet is essentially a diet that temporarily reduces carbohydrates.
When correctly followed, cereal products are reintroduced to maintain the required body weight.
Recognising that starvation is no longer a risk, the body adapts according to the carbohydrate intake.
Less fat is taken as carbohydrate levels are increased and the body becomes less ketogenic (fewer ketones are being produced).
Living with the diet
Denied comfort foods and alienated at meal times, depression and emotional upheaval often accompany the ketogenic patient.
Surrounded by the foods of habit, denied the succulent foods of pleasure and aware of how easy it is to break the diet, life can be miserable.
Food is no longer a social event but a mathematical encounter.
Each product must be weighed, recipe sheets adhered to and, most annoyingly, convenience foods banned from the new eating lifestyle.
As volatile ketone compounds increase, patients suffer from the unique 'bad breath' of the body in ketosis.
Adding insult to injury, the favoured toothpaste may be on the forbidden list as even toothpaste contains carbohydrates.
Getting to know the diet
However, luxurious eating is a great compensation for the restriction of carbohydrates.
(Source: FoodsMatter)