2009年7月27日 星期一

Top Ten Immunity Booster 頭10種最有效增強免疫能力的食物和方法是甚麼

1. What are the Top Ten Influences which boost immunity?

Cold pressed oils: olive oil, fish oils, nut and seed oils

Fresh eggs

Onions and garlic

Freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juices

Regular consumption of greens: parsley, spring onion, etc.

Probiotic supplementation and fermented foods such as live yoghurt for a healthy gut flora

Sensible contact with animal and pets

Physical activity in the fresh air

Swimming in unpolluted waters

Exposure to sunlight and sensible sunbathing

2. What are the Top Ten Influences which damage immunity?

Sugar and everything containing it

Processed carbohydrates

Chemically altered and artificial fats: margarines, cooking and vegetable oils, processed fats made with these substances.

Lack of high quality protein in the diet from meats and fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts and seeds

Exposure to man-made chemicals: cleaning and washing chemicals, personal care products,paiants, pesticides,etc.

Exposure to man-made radiation: electronic screens, mobile phones, nuclear wastes

Drugs: antibiotics, steroids, antidepressants, painkillers, anti-viral drugs,etc.

Lack of fresh air and physical activity

Lack of exposure to sunlight

Lack of exposure to common microbes in the environment. The immune system needs constant stimulation from the microbes in the environment.

3. Why EPA and DHA are important for my child?

The human brain is about 60% fats (dry weight). Every membrane of every cell and every organelle inside of cells are made of fats. Many hormones, neurotransmitters and other active substances in the body are made of fats. Fats are extremely important in our diet. The question is what fats?

Here is a group of fatty acids called essential fatty acids (EFAs). Essential means we cannot live without them. Essential fats contain fatty acids which our human body cannot make and we have to get them from food. These are omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Every cell in our body depends on them for proper function and survival. Hundreds of clinical studies have been performed with the use of omega 3 and omega 6 oils, where they were shown to be effective in treating every health condition, including autism, ADHA, dyslexia, diabetes, depression…Due to food processing and poor diets, most of us don't get enough essential fats in our diets.

Two very important omega 3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA which are absolutely vital for normal brain and eye development. They are found in abundance in brain cells, nerve synapses, visual receptors, adrenal and sex glands. Small amount of DHA and EPA are found in seal fat, whale blubber, herring,haddock. Cod liver oil is a good source of DHA and EPA. Cod liver oil is also a good source of vitamin A and D. We generally need more EPA than DHA (as in the body, DHA can be made from EPA). DHA is considered to be essential for building the brain structure whereas EPA for the functioning of the brain.

Omega 6 is another group of essential fatty acids. Many omega 6 oils can be efficiently supplied through regular consumption of nuts and seeds. GLA from evening primrose oil, borage oil and AA from meats and eggs and dairy products. People generally get more omega 6 than omega 3 from their diets and it is generally accepted that we need more omega 3 than omega 6. The ideal ratio should be about 2:1.

In short, children and adults should have a group of essential oils supplemented:

(a) a good seed/nut oil blend in the ratio of 2:1 of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Look for high quality blended oils which have not been refined, adulterated in any way. Mixed with cold or warm food to serve. Avoid heating.

(b)cod liver oil which supply EPA and DHA, vitamin A and vitamin D

(c) fish oil with a higher ratio of EPA to DHA as more EPA seems to benefit our diets, especially for children.

(d) flaxseed oil has a heavy ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 (4:1).

(e) olive oil is a time proven health giving food, used by Mediterranean people for centuries. It helps lower the risk of heart disease, healing and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of pancreatic enzymes, antioxidant activity,anti-cancer effects, anti bacterial and anti viral activity, membrane development, cell formation…….Look for unrefined, extra virgin cold pressed olive oil---means the oils have not been subjected to heating,refining and degumming as these processes will destroy the original nutrients of the oils.

(f) coconut oil is a good source of saturated fats. About 50% of fatty acids in coconut is lauric acid which gets converted into a highly potent anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal substance, called monolaurin. Lauric acid is also one of the natural ingredients of human breast milk, protecting the baby from infections. Look for "virgin coconut oil" that has not been hydrogenated. The process of hydrogenation to lengthen the shelf life has changed the chemical structure of the oils and destroys vitamins and other useful nutrients, and resulted in fats being converted into trans fats, which are well known to cause heart problems.

1. 頭10種最有效增強免疫能力的食物和方法是甚麼?











2. 甚麼是頭10種最能損害免疫力的事物?



經化學處理及人造油脂:人造牛油、煮食用菜油,含有上述物質的加工油脂 .








3. 為何EPA及DHA對我的孩子重要?


有一組脂肪酸被稱為必需脂肪酸(EFAs)。所以謂必需,意即沒有它們我們便無法生存。我們的身體 不能自行製造必需脂肪酸,只能從食物中攝取。這些脂肪酸稱為奧米加3及奧米加6脂肪酸,是人體的每個細胞賴以生存和正常運作的物質。數以百計的奧米加3和 奧米加6脂肪酸的應用研究顯示,它們對治療所有因食用加工食品或飲食失調引起的健康問題都有幫助,包括:自閉症、學習遲緩、誦讀困難,糖尿病及情緒病。普 遍人都不能從日常飲食中吸收到足夠的必需脂肪酸。

兩種最重要的奧米加3脂肪酸分別是EPA和DHA,它們是腦部和眼睛正常發展不可或缺的東西。它們 大量地存在於人體腦細胞、神經突觸、影像接收器、腎上腺和性腺。少量的DHA和EPA可以在海豹的脂肪、鯨魚的脂肪、鯡魚和鱈魚中找到。鱈魚肝油是DHA 及EPA的一個理想的來源,它更含有豐富的維生素A和維生素D。一般而言,我們需要EPA較DHA為多(因為在人體內可以將EPA轉化為DHA)。DHA 被認為是建造腦部組織的必需物質,而EPA則是幫助腦部運作的重要物質。

奧米加6是另一類必需脂肪酸。很多奧米加6脂肪都可以透過經常食用堅果和種籽讓我們足夠地吸取。好 像櫻草油和硫璃苣油含有GLA、瘦肉、蛋和很多乳製品都含有AA。人們通常在日常飲食中攝取到的奧米加6會較奧米加3為多,故此,普遍認為我們對奧米加3 的額外需要較奧米加6為高。兩者之間的理想比例是2:1。


(a) 含有奧米加3及奧米加6脂肪酸比例順次為2:1的優質種籽油或堅果油。或者選用未經提煉及沒有攙入雜質的優質混合油。可將油混入冷或微溫的食物同吃,避免將油加熱。


(c) 含EPA比DHA為高的魚油,因為EPA令我們在飲食中有較大的得益,尤其是小孩。

(d) 亞麻子油中含有的奧米加3遠較奧米加6為多(比例是4:1)。

(e) 多個世紀以來,地中海居民一直食用橄欖油,時間證明這是有益健康的食物。它有助預防心臟病、治療及對抗炎症、刺激胰臟酵素和抗氧化活動,並有防癌、抗菌及 抑制病毒活動、幫助薄膜組織和細胞生長等作用。但需選擇未經改造、初次冷壓的橄欖油,意即未經加熱、提煉或脫去膠質的橄欖油,因為這些過程會損害橄欖油的 營養成分。

(f) 椰油是一個飽和脂肪的良好來源。椰油中大約50%的脂肪酸是月桂酸,它們被轉化為一種高能的抗病毒、抗菌和抗真菌的物質,名為單月桂酸。月桂酸亦是其中一 種存在於人奶中的天然成分,有助保護嬰兒免受感染。應選用未經氫化的初榨橄欖油。氫化處理可以延長產品的儲存期,但會改變油的化學結構,破壞它的維生素和 其他有用的營養成分,結果是脂肪變成公認可以引起種種心臟毛病的轉脂肪。

