由 Blue Dragon Spring Roll Wrappers(越南春卷皮) 製成的春卷
We are making springrolls in seafood and vegan versions.

這一次我做了兩款春卷 分別有 炸鮮蝦卷 及 素春卷
海鹽 或 岩鹽 適量
Blue Dragon Spring Roll Wrappers(越南春卷皮)
(一片春卷皮如果是包鮮蝦可以切開4份 包4份春卷)
鮮冬菇1包 約7-8朵
秀珍菇1包 約200克
有機黑豆壺底蔭油 1湯匙
糖 約1.5茶匙
鹽 適量
Blue Dragon Spring Roll Wrappers(越南春卷皮) 4片
首先把鮮蝦去殼 洗淨 再用吸水紙把蝦身弄乾 再下適量的鹽 醃數分鐘
之後就可以把 春卷皮 圓型一片 切開成四份
把春卷皮放進熟水中 浸軟後 就可以用來包蝦卷的了
Shrimp rolls Ingredients -
Frying oil. We use organic sunflower oil.
Fresh shrimps (or frozen shrimps with tails)
Salt pinch
Blue Dragon Spring Roll Wrappers x 1 (One piece of wrapper cut into four portions for four servings)
Vegan rolls ingredients -
Fresh shitake mushroom 7-8pcs
Oyster mushroom ~200g
Organic black soy bean paste
Sugar 1.5tsp
Salt pinch
Blue Dragon Spring Roll Wrappers x 4 (One piece of wrapper cut into four portions for four servings)
To prepare shrimp rolls, first of all remove shrimp shells. Wash thoroughly and absorb excess moisture with kitchen towels. Add salt. Cut a springroll wrapper into 4 quarters.1 quarter for 1 shrimp.
Put a wrapper into water to soften before wrapping.

Then we move to vegan rolls.

把冬菇 秀珍菇都切粒 出水
出水後 再下鍋炒香 (油要滾)
炒到一半時就加入 有機黑豆壺底蔭油 , 糖 及鹽
(其實這個有機黑豆壺底蔭油 是可以代替蠔油來使用的,只是它本身沒蠔油那麼甜,
Dice and parboil the mushrooms.
In heated pan, fry the mushroom on medium-high heat.
Halfway through the frying, add organic soy bean paste, sugar and salt.
The organic soy bean paste replaces oyster sauce. You just need a pinch of sugar to enhance the flavor.
Fry the mushrooms until half the water is evaporated. Cool down in a bowl for 3-4 minutes.

同樣地把一整片春卷皮放進熟水中浸軟(大約浸 40秒就會變軟的了)
先放把碎菇粒放到皮的中下方 再把左右摺向中間
之後把後方的皮再覆上去, 會剛剛包住材料
Immerse an entire piece of wrapper in water for about 40 seconds to soften it up.
Place the wrapper on a flat surface.
Place mushrooms on the middle-lower part of the wrapper.Fold the excess of the left and right sides toward the centre.

Roll it up.

最後就先下油 油滾了就轉小火把春卷放下去
再把火轉中火 看到春卷有微微的轉黃就可以夾上來了
Heat up the wok. Heat up the oil till it's very hot. Turn on low heat.
Fry the springroll in oil. When the surface of the roll starts to turn crispy, flip over the roll and turn on medium heat. When the roll turns golden, move the roll to a plate lined with kitchen towels (to absorb oil).

越南鮮蝦春卷 及 越南素春卷
除了蝦 鮮菇 還可以包菜蔬或其他肉類
但要注意包的時候饀料不要放太多 因為在炸的時候皮會變很脆
除了炸 這春卷皮 也可以用來蒸 變化可以有很多的
另外炸的時候火不要用太猛 因為這個春卷皮很容易會濃
如果沾上有機甜辣汁 (不太辣)會更好吃~
Tips: do not add too much fillings to each roll, because the wrapper is quite thin and it's easy for the fillings to overflow.
Dip it in organic sweet chili sauce (it's not too hot) to enhance the flavor.