2009年7月27日 星期一

Low sugar (Glyceamic Index) 低糖

1. What is GI?

GI (Glyceamic Index) is a measure of the rate of blood glucose response to intake of a carbohydrate containing food. Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion have a high GI factor. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, release glucose gradually into the blood have low GI.

2. What is the problem of taking high GI food?

It stimulates greater insulin release by the pancreas. High insulin levels increases the risk of diabetes, carduivascular disease, and hypertension. Therefore, not just people who have diabetes need low GI food. It is always a healthy living style to take low GI food.

3. What kind of foods is low GI?

Grainy breads, pasta, oats, barley, legumes, fresh fruits, sweet potato, corn, low fat milk and yoghurt. For meat, choose low fat meat. For sugar, choose raw (unrefined) sugar instead of synthetic sugars.

4. What kind of foods is high GI?

Food containing high animal fat such as fat meat, food which are fried in butter or with creamy sauce, oily food, sweet foods containing high sugar level such as biscuits, cookies, candies, soft drink.

5. If I have diabetes, what do I need in my diet apart from avoiding high GI food?

You have to include low GI food in your diet. You also have to use foods which are low fats, high fiber, and anti-oxidant. Apart from this, exercise daily and follow your doctor's advice.

1. 什麼是GI(血糖指數) ?

GI (血糖指數) 是測量血液中的葡萄糖濃度的增加速度與攝取食物中的碳水化合物的關係的指數。 高血糖指數的人溶解碳水化合物較快,低血糖指數的人溶解碳水化合物較慢。

2. 食用高GI 食物會引起哪些問題?

它刺激胰島腺分泌大量的胰島素。 胰島素的增加會引起糖尿病, 心血管疾病, 和高血壓的疾病的風險。 所以, 糖尿病病人需要食用低GI 的食物。 食用低GI 食物是健康生活方式。

3. 哪些食物是低GI?

穀類麵包, 麵食, 燕麥, 大麥, 豆類, 新鮮水果, 番薯, 玉米, 低脂牛奶和酸奶。 如果是肉類的話應選擇瘦肉。糖就應該選擇未加工過的(未精製的) 糖代替白糖。

4. 哪些食物是高GI?

含有高動物性脂肪的食物譬如肥肉, 用黃油煎炸的食物,奶油製成的食物,調味汁做的食物, 油膩的食物, 含有高糖份的餅乾, 曲奇餅, 糖果, 軟性飲料等甜食。

5. 如果我有糖尿病, 除了要避免吃高的GI 食物,在飲食方面還需要注意些什麼嗎? ?

您的飲食必須是低GI的。 您要吃一些低油脂, 高纖維, 並且抗氧化的食物。 除此之外, 每天堅持做運動和聽從您的醫生的建議也十分重要。

