Milk intolerance is also commonly referred to as dairy intolerance. People affected by milk intolerance usually cannot tolerate lactose (milk sugar) or casein (a protein fraction found in all dairy products).
2. What are the common symptoms for milk intolerance?
Colicky babies, dry cough, frequent ear blockages, nose mucous, diarrhea, hives, eczema and asthma are common milk intolerance reactions.
3. What kind of alternative I can use?
Beverages made from soy, rice, potato, quinoa or pea are available which can act as good substitute to dairy milk. They can go with cereal breakfast, for baking and cooking. High calcium food includes almonds, raw seeds, fish, tahini. You may also consider taking calcium supplement.
4. What are the average intake of calcium per day?
Infants | 550mg | |
Children | 800mg | |
Adolescent (girls) | 800-1000mg | |
Adolescent (boys) | 1000-1200mg | |
Adults | 800-100mg | |
Pregnant women | 1100 mg |
嬰孩腹痛, 乾咳, 頻密的耳鳴, 流鼻涕, 腹瀉, 麻疹, 濕疹和哮喘是乳糖過敏症的反應。
可以用由大豆, 米, 土豆,栗子或豌豆做的飲料代替乳製品。 它們可以和穀物早餐搭配,用來烘焙或烹調。您也可以考慮多補充含高鈣的食物如杏仁, 生種籽, 魚, 芝麻醬或高鈣補充劑等。
嬰兒 | 550mg | |
小孩 | 800mg | |
青少年(女孩) | 800-1000mg | |
青少年(男孩) | 1000-1200mg | |
成年人 | 800-100mg | |
懷孕婦女 | 1100 mg |