Low Fats
1. What kind of fats should I limit in my diet?
Saturated facts and trans fatty acids (hydrogenated fat). High intakes may increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
2. What kinds of food contain high level of saturated facts?
Diary products such as whole milk, butter, cheese. Meat, such as beef, lamb, pork, animal fats. Margarine, though some people consider it as an alternative to butter, should be avoided.
3. Are there any fats which are good?
Some fats are good fats - essential fatty acids ( EFAs ). These are omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. EPA and DHA in omega 3 are vital for brain and eye development. Cod liver oil and flaxseed oil are good source of EPA and DHA . Seed/nut oil blend is a good source of Omega 6. Moreover, olive oil ( extra virgin cold pressed ) helps lower the risk of heart disease and is a time proven health giving food. Coconut oil is a good source of fats. About 50% of fats in coconut is lauric acid which gets converted into a highly potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal substance, called monolaurin. Lauric acid is also one of the natural ingredients of human breast milk, protecting babies from infections. However, we need to look for virgin coconut oil, meaning that has not been hydrogenated. The process of hydrogenation to lengthen the shelf life destroys valuable nutrients, and resulted in fats being converted into trans fats, which cause heart problems.
4. How to limit absorb of fats in my diet?
* The best way is to eat home-made meals because you can control the amount of oil for cooking
* You can choose meat without fats or only with little fat and cut away the fatty parts before you cook.
* Eat fish and chicken instead of beef or pork.
* For chicken, do not eat the skin.
* Steam or boil the food instead of fry or deep-fry.
* Use only small amount of vegetable oil when cooking.
* For seasoning, use sugar, vinegar, onion spring, ginger, garlic.
* Snacks such as cakes, biscuits, nuts contain high level of fats and thus should avoid.
1. 在我吃的食物中哪種油脂應該限制?
飽和成分和轉脂肪酸(氫化脂肪)。 吸取過多這些油脂可能會引發心臟病,糖尿病和肥胖病。
2. 哪些食物包含了高飽和成分?
3. 那些脂肪是有益的嗎?
必需脂肪酸(EFAs)是有益的脂肪 。 這些是OMEGA-3和OMEGA-6脂肪酸。 OMEGA-3脂肪酸中的EPA 和DHA對人腦和眼睛發展起至關重要的作用。 EPA 和DHA主要來自鱈魚肝油和亞麻籽油,而OMEGA-6主要來自混合植物油。橄欖油(初榨冷壓)是可以幫助降低心臟病病發的健康食物。 椰子油是油脂的一個主要來源。 大約50% 油脂在椰子裏會轉換成一高度有力抗病毒的十二(烷)酸物質。是人奶的當中一個天然成分, 能避免嬰孩感染疾病。 但是, 我們需要尋找未被氫化的的椰子油。 氫化後雖可加長保質期,但是卻破壞了它原來珍貴的營養成分, 長期食用更可能會導致心臟問題。
4. 在飲食中,怎麼限制油脂吸收?
* 最好的方式是自己在家做飯,因為這樣能控制油的使用量
* 最好選購沒有油脂的肉或切掉肥膩的部分。
* 用魚和雞代替牛肉或豬肉。
* 吃雞不要吃雞皮。
* 蒸或煮沸代替油炸或油煎。
* 做飯時只用一小量的菜油。
* 調味料, 可用糖, 醋, 蔥, 薑, 大蒜。
* 要避免吃高油脂含量的零食如蛋糕, 餅乾, 堅果。
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