Do you know what's in your food?
At what point did grocery shopping start becoming more frightening than a Stephen King novel?
The most common conception of health conscious shopping is simply making sure to avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar, cholesterol or sodium. But what the average consumer doesn’t know is that the majority of the foods that populate your grocery store shelves these days are in actuality just plain unsafe.
If we disregard the petrochemical dyes, the overwhelming amount of sugar, the tongue-tying “monohexapoly whatevers”, and the “Fat Free” products that cause depression, we’re still left with ingredients that strike fear into the hearts of many: genetically modified (GM) products.
I use the word “products” here since it’s difficult to maintain the label of "food" once DNA has been sliced and diced more than an onion on the Food Network! Even more so when it’s been forcibly put back together using bacterial and viral DNA.
描述: MouseIs this still a mouse? No… because its DNA has been irrevocably altered (and let's face it, it looks downright scary!).
Why are these products still labeled as corn, soybeans, sugar beets, canola, alfalfa, etc? Is it because they look the same, taste the same? Some say that’s just not a good enough reason, especially since these genetically modified counterparts haven’t been tested to be safe for human or even animal consumption.
The unfortunate fact is that most of the foods we stroll past during our trip to the store contain one or more genetically modified ingredients. But what’s most important to note is that we as consumers have no way of knowing which products contain these ingredients, since current U.S. laws don’t require these foods to be labeled. Even a conscientious shopper attempting to gain this knowledge via corporation websites is more likely to find water in the desert.
Being one of those conscientious shoppers, I took it upon myself to contact Frito-Lay concerning the use of genetically modified ingredients in some of their products, after an unsuccessful attempt to gain the information on their website.
Here’s the response I got back :
“Since more of our ingredients are purchased on the open market, it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine whether the commodity has been developed through biotechnology. Frito-Lay relies on and supports the regulatory agencies charged with safeguarding America's food supply.”
In other words, Frito-Lay -- and companies just like them -- set the responsibility solely onto the regulatory agencies, such as the FDA and USDA, to ensure that the ingredients they’re using are safe. However, on the other side of the coin, if they truly believe that these products are safe, why are they hiding it? Why not label their products and let consumers have a choice?
If we follow their stated train of thought, then we can only assume that the FDA and the USDA have plenty of knowledge and research proving that these products are safe, right? Yet the FDA says that they rely on the in-house testing done by the corporations producing these items, not even bothering to require independent studies (or any studies at all, in this case).
This lack of checks and balances does little to help me sleep at night, and I can’t help but question our safety, if the regulatory agencies we rely upon aren’t fulfilling their assigned duties. According to their website, the FDA is responsible for:
“Protecting the public health by assuring that foods are safe, wholesome, sanitary and properly labeled.”
And according to Monsanto, the largest contributor of GMO crops:
"There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans."
In fact, Monsanto’s website is riddled with deceptive language that attempts to convince the public that DNA is DNA is DNA… and no matter what, it’s perfectly safe! But to the scientific community such statements are downright absurd. The dangers of altering DNA structures and the potential to produce species not only dangerous to humans but incompatible with the web of life itself is clear and widely acknowledged.
Consider in 2000 the massive recall of snack products due to the contamination of these products with the harmful “StarLink corn” which caused illnesses nationwide due to allergic reactions. ( And you certainly don’t need to be a scientist to be concerned over the fact that viruses similar to HIV and Hepatitis are being used to customize these Frankenfoods offered up as “safe”.
In the meantime, while each of the parties involved continue pointing fingers at each other, claiming they're not responsible or that testing isn't required, consumers are purchasing products that have potentially harmful, if not deadly, side-effects, and continuing to feed their families and infants approved items with potentially long term repercussions.
This month is National Nutrition Month, and we here at LL's Magnetic Clay are supporting the Organic Consumer's Association’s push to organize one million people for their Truth In Labeling Campaign. After all, you can't have control of your nutrition if you don't know what is in your food!
2011年5月4日 星期三
2009年8月6日 星期四
那我就會建議你一定要嘗嘗 天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽
如果你把海鹽直接放進口中,你除了吃到咸味外 可能只會吃到澀的味道
而當你吃下 天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽 時你第一口會吃到咸味
回正題 這一次我是利用 天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽 去醃青檸
為何特意要用 岩鹽 去醃咸檸呢

在這邊我先打一打廣告 一般來說 岩鹽 的售價大約會是海鹽的 1 至 2倍
但現在我們公司一袋 1 KG 的 岩鹽 原價$87.5 現在特價 $56
而反正也要放很多年了 如果可以選擇 為何不用一個天然 而味道又較好的呢?
青檸 數個 (數目視乎你的容器大小而定)
天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽 1包 (數量視乎你的容器大小而定)
玻璃樽一個 蓋可以是塑膠 但樽一定要是玻璃

青檸 先清淨 風乾 如果可以把它放到陽光下曬2-3天會更佳
首先可能在曬的過程青檸會有塵 輕輕先拍一拍把塵拍走
再把預先準備的容器洗淨 弄乾
(要容器內完全沒有多餘水份 因為會影響醃出來的質素)
先把鹽放進容器內 倒入由樽底計算約1厘米厚
再把青檸平均放入容器內 切勿過份擠壓青檸
剛剛好放得下就足夠 放好後再把 岩鹽倒進去

直至倒下 岩鹽 後距離容器的頂部 約有1-2厘米的距離
(因為醃的過程 鹽會變水 所以要留一點距離)
最後先用保鮮紙蓋上 再把樽蓋閉好

之後把這個容器放到陰涼處 最少一年
這個製成品 可以留下來他們將來才打開
那我就會建議你一定要嘗嘗 天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽
如果你把海鹽直接放進口中,你除了吃到咸味外 可能只會吃到澀的味道
而當你吃下 天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽 時你第一口會吃到咸味
回正題 這一次我是利用 天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽 去醃青檸
為何特意要用 岩鹽 去醃咸檸呢
在這邊我先打一打廣告 一般來說 岩鹽 的售價大約會是海鹽的 1 至 2倍
但現在我們公司一袋 1 KG 的 岩鹽 原價$87.5 現在特價 $56
而反正也要放很多年了 如果可以選擇 為何不用一個天然 而味道又較好的呢?
青檸 數個 (數目視乎你的容器大小而定)
天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽 1包 (數量視乎你的容器大小而定)
玻璃樽一個 蓋可以是塑膠 但樽一定要是玻璃
青檸 先清淨 風乾 如果可以把它放到陽光下曬2-3天會更佳
首先可能在曬的過程青檸會有塵 輕輕先拍一拍把塵拍走
再把預先準備的容器洗淨 弄乾
(要容器內完全沒有多餘水份 因為會影響醃出來的質素)
先把鹽放進容器內 倒入由樽底計算約1厘米厚
再把青檸平均放入容器內 切勿過份擠壓青檸
剛剛好放得下就足夠 放好後再把 岩鹽倒進去
直至倒下 岩鹽 後距離容器的頂部 約有1-2厘米的距離
(因為醃的過程 鹽會變水 所以要留一點距離)
最後先用保鮮紙蓋上 再把樽蓋閉好
之後把這個容器放到陰涼處 最少一年
這個製成品 可以留下來他們將來才打開
Fried chicken - Japanese style 日式金菇煮雞球
這一道菜其實是出現在之前寫的 中華小米麵 中的炒雞肉 這裡!!
材料 -
雞中翼 約1磅
洋蔥 一個
金菇 一包
日本味醂 (醃肉 一湯匙 醬汁2湯匙)
天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽 小許
有機糖 小許
有機粟粉 3茶匙
Ingredients -
Chicken wings mid-joint 1 lb
Onion x 1
Enoki/ golden mushroom x 1 packet
Japanese mirin (marinade - 1tbsp; sauce - 2tbsp)
Himalayan salt pinch
Organic sugar pinch
Organic cornflour pinch

Wash and slice onion and mushroom. Parboil mushroom.

雞翼解凍後 用糖 岩鹽 粟米粉 味醂 醃好 就可以
Defrost wings. Marinade with sugar, salt, cornflour & mirin.

To cater for smaller kids, you can also debone the wings. Please follow the pictures below.


兩端都做一次 這樣就可以把骨由雞翼推出來了

雞翼大約醃5分鐘後 就可以開始煮了
先把洋蔥炒香 再倒出來備用
先大火下油轉中火 油熱了 再收細
先把雞翼的面放下去 至金黃反轉
Marinade for 5 minutes. Then we can start cooking.
Fry onions. Take out.
Turn a pan on high heat. Add oil and turn to medium heat.
When the oil bubbles, switch to low heat. Add wings and fry until golden brown.

Turn the wings into a saucepan.

把洋蔥 金菇都放下去
開小火 同時加入 3 湯匙 日本味醂
試味後加入 岩鹽 糖(視乎自己的口味)
(如果可以吃雞蛋 可以在這時候加入一個生雞蛋)
On low heat, throw onion and mushroom into the saucepan.
Add 3 tbsp mirin.
Cook for 5 minutes. Add salt (optional).
Cook for a further 2-3 minutes. (If eggs are tolerable, add a raw egg now).

材料 -
雞中翼 約1磅
洋蔥 一個
金菇 一包
日本味醂 (醃肉 一湯匙 醬汁2湯匙)
天然喜馬拉亞岩鹽 小許
有機糖 小許
有機粟粉 3茶匙
Ingredients -
Chicken wings mid-joint 1 lb
Onion x 1
Enoki/ golden mushroom x 1 packet
Japanese mirin (marinade - 1tbsp; sauce - 2tbsp)
Himalayan salt pinch
Organic sugar pinch
Organic cornflour pinch
Wash and slice onion and mushroom. Parboil mushroom.
雞翼解凍後 用糖 岩鹽 粟米粉 味醂 醃好 就可以
Defrost wings. Marinade with sugar, salt, cornflour & mirin.
To cater for smaller kids, you can also debone the wings. Please follow the pictures below.
兩端都做一次 這樣就可以把骨由雞翼推出來了
雞翼大約醃5分鐘後 就可以開始煮了
先把洋蔥炒香 再倒出來備用
先大火下油轉中火 油熱了 再收細
先把雞翼的面放下去 至金黃反轉
Marinade for 5 minutes. Then we can start cooking.
Fry onions. Take out.
Turn a pan on high heat. Add oil and turn to medium heat.
When the oil bubbles, switch to low heat. Add wings and fry until golden brown.
Turn the wings into a saucepan.
把洋蔥 金菇都放下去
開小火 同時加入 3 湯匙 日本味醂
試味後加入 岩鹽 糖(視乎自己的口味)
(如果可以吃雞蛋 可以在這時候加入一個生雞蛋)
On low heat, throw onion and mushroom into the saucepan.
Add 3 tbsp mirin.
Cook for 5 minutes. Add salt (optional).
Cook for a further 2-3 minutes. (If eggs are tolerable, add a raw egg now).
dairy free,
gluten free,
Pamela chocolate chip cookie mix 美國朱古力粒粒曲奇餅粉
因為我自己買了一包這公司的曲奇 (朱古力粒合桃曲奇)來吃
發現超級好吃(味道很像某紅色 Mrs F's 的曲奇,但沒那麼甜和膩)
I bought a packet of cookies (Pamela's Chocolate chip walnut cookies) from Little Giant last week. They were all gone before I knew it! It tastes somewhat similar to Mrs F's cookies, only that Pamela's cookies did not taste as sweet and heavy. So I decided to use Pamela's mix to try out for myself!
Pamela 黑朱古力粒粒曲奇餅粉 1包
不含牛奶植物牛油 8湯匙(約100G)
雞蛋 1 隻 (或代蛋粉)
Pamela's Chocolate chunk cookie mix 1 packet
Dairy free margarine 100g
Egg x 1 / Egg replacer (equivalent to 1 egg)

先把 代蛋粉 開好 再放進雪櫃備用
植物牛油 用熱水隔水 坐熱 溶成液體
Prepare egg replacer as per instruction on packet. Put in fridge.
Melt margarine.

再把 曲奇粉 及 代蛋粉 倒進去
Mix in cookie mix and egg replacer. Mix well.


就用包保鮮蓋好 放進雪櫃內 大約5 至 10分鐘
用意是令 粉內的 植物牛油 固定一點
那做 曲奇的形狀時 會容易很多
Wrap dough in shrink wrap and put in fridge and wait for 5-10 minutes.
It's easier to shape and hold the cookies when the margarine is hard.
先把焗爐預熱180度攝氏(包裝袋上寫是350度 那個華氏來的)
再在焗盆上塗上油(植物油 薄薄的就可以)
把粉團由雪櫃拿出來後 用原本蓋在盆上的保鮮紙
放在手心 再把粉 放上去 壓成 餅狀
Preheat oven at 180C. Grease baking sheet. Take out the dough.
Shape dough into small balls. Press slightly.

再放上焗盆上 每塊餅的間距大約要有1厘米
因為焗出來後曲奇會發大 太近會堆在一起的了
這時候焗爐預熱好了 就可以把焗盆及曲奇都放進去
Place cookies on sheet, separated by 1 cm each. Put in the oven.

大約焗 17-18分鐘
Bake for 17-18 minutes.
請注意 Attention
由於這曲奇有一定分量是由 植物牛油組成
在很熱的溫度會軟化 散開
After you've removed the cookies from the oven, do not try to touch or move the cookies on the baking sheet. Wait till they cool down, or the cookies might crumble.

一次吃不完 下一次吃時 也可以用 微波爐 或 焗爐 翻熱
Reheat the cookies slightly before you eat, because I think they taste the best with the chocolate chunks half melted.
這曲奇簡單易做 也不含牛奶及雞蛋
味道也很好 你的小朋友絕對會愛上!
因為我自己買了一包這公司的曲奇 (朱古力粒合桃曲奇)來吃
發現超級好吃(味道很像某紅色 Mrs F's 的曲奇,但沒那麼甜和膩)
I bought a packet of cookies (Pamela's Chocolate chip walnut cookies) from Little Giant last week. They were all gone before I knew it! It tastes somewhat similar to Mrs F's cookies, only that Pamela's cookies did not taste as sweet and heavy. So I decided to use Pamela's mix to try out for myself!
Pamela 黑朱古力粒粒曲奇餅粉 1包
不含牛奶植物牛油 8湯匙(約100G)
雞蛋 1 隻 (或代蛋粉)
Pamela's Chocolate chunk cookie mix 1 packet
Dairy free margarine 100g
Egg x 1 / Egg replacer (equivalent to 1 egg)
先把 代蛋粉 開好 再放進雪櫃備用
植物牛油 用熱水隔水 坐熱 溶成液體
Prepare egg replacer as per instruction on packet. Put in fridge.
Melt margarine.
再把 曲奇粉 及 代蛋粉 倒進去
Mix in cookie mix and egg replacer. Mix well.
就用包保鮮蓋好 放進雪櫃內 大約5 至 10分鐘
用意是令 粉內的 植物牛油 固定一點
那做 曲奇的形狀時 會容易很多
Wrap dough in shrink wrap and put in fridge and wait for 5-10 minutes.
It's easier to shape and hold the cookies when the margarine is hard.
先把焗爐預熱180度攝氏(包裝袋上寫是350度 那個華氏來的)
再在焗盆上塗上油(植物油 薄薄的就可以)
把粉團由雪櫃拿出來後 用原本蓋在盆上的保鮮紙
放在手心 再把粉 放上去 壓成 餅狀
Preheat oven at 180C. Grease baking sheet. Take out the dough.
Shape dough into small balls. Press slightly.
再放上焗盆上 每塊餅的間距大約要有1厘米
因為焗出來後曲奇會發大 太近會堆在一起的了
這時候焗爐預熱好了 就可以把焗盆及曲奇都放進去
Place cookies on sheet, separated by 1 cm each. Put in the oven.
大約焗 17-18分鐘
Bake for 17-18 minutes.
請注意 Attention
由於這曲奇有一定分量是由 植物牛油組成
在很熱的溫度會軟化 散開
After you've removed the cookies from the oven, do not try to touch or move the cookies on the baking sheet. Wait till they cool down, or the cookies might crumble.
一次吃不完 下一次吃時 也可以用 微波爐 或 焗爐 翻熱
Reheat the cookies slightly before you eat, because I think they taste the best with the chocolate chunks half melted.
這曲奇簡單易做 也不含牛奶及雞蛋
味道也很好 你的小朋友絕對會愛上!
10% of autistic children may ‘recover’
10% of autistic children may ‘recover’
Data presented at the International Society for Autism Research meeting in May in Chicago suggests that one in 10 children diagnosed with autism or autism spectrum disorders may ‘recover’. Deborah Fein, the study's lead author and professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, said that ‘recovery’ is more likely in children who received a treatment known as ‘applied behavioural analysis’ and got it early.
The researchers looked at the results of three groups aged nine to 18:
• 20 ‘optimal outcome’ children (a phrase Fein prefers to ‘recovered’)
• 15 children with ‘high functioning’ autism
• 23 comparison children developing typically
In the research, Fein and her colleagues looked at such measures as head circumference growth patterns, which have previously been suggested to play a role in the development of autism. They found that the rate of head growth followed by deceleration was greater in the optimal outcome and high-functioning autism groups than in the comparison group. But the head-growth patterns were no different in the optimal outcome and highfunctioning groups.
They found that above average IQ may help the ‘recovered’ group normalise and speculated that the above average IQ may help the recovered children to compensate.
Most of the children who recovered received early (before they were five) applied behavioural analysis treatment, an intensive programme that aims to improve problem behaviours although the researchers emphasise that the fact that a child does not ‘recover’ does not mean that they did not have good care.
Children with autism tend to also have coexisting conditions such as attention problems and anxiety and
these conditions persisted even in the ‘recovered’ children.
Martha Herbert, MD, a pediatric neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston and a director of the treatment- guided research initiative with the Autism Society of America, says that a 10% recovery rate for those with autism seems plausible; in the past, estimates of ‘recovery’ have ranged from 3% to 25%. Among autism experts, she says, there is a growing consensus that autism is not entirely 'hard-wired’ and that recovery is possible.
via JS
More at
Data presented at the International Society for Autism Research meeting in May in Chicago suggests that one in 10 children diagnosed with autism or autism spectrum disorders may ‘recover’. Deborah Fein, the study's lead author and professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, said that ‘recovery’ is more likely in children who received a treatment known as ‘applied behavioural analysis’ and got it early.
The researchers looked at the results of three groups aged nine to 18:
• 20 ‘optimal outcome’ children (a phrase Fein prefers to ‘recovered’)
• 15 children with ‘high functioning’ autism
• 23 comparison children developing typically
In the research, Fein and her colleagues looked at such measures as head circumference growth patterns, which have previously been suggested to play a role in the development of autism. They found that the rate of head growth followed by deceleration was greater in the optimal outcome and high-functioning autism groups than in the comparison group. But the head-growth patterns were no different in the optimal outcome and highfunctioning groups.
They found that above average IQ may help the ‘recovered’ group normalise and speculated that the above average IQ may help the recovered children to compensate.
Most of the children who recovered received early (before they were five) applied behavioural analysis treatment, an intensive programme that aims to improve problem behaviours although the researchers emphasise that the fact that a child does not ‘recover’ does not mean that they did not have good care.
Children with autism tend to also have coexisting conditions such as attention problems and anxiety and
these conditions persisted even in the ‘recovered’ children.
Martha Herbert, MD, a pediatric neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston and a director of the treatment- guided research initiative with the Autism Society of America, says that a 10% recovery rate for those with autism seems plausible; in the past, estimates of ‘recovery’ have ranged from 3% to 25%. Among autism experts, she says, there is a growing consensus that autism is not entirely 'hard-wired’ and that recovery is possible.
via JS
More at
Compulsory MMR jab – a human rights issue?
Compulsory MMR jab – a human rights issue?
A rash of media coverage hit the headlines in the UK at the beginning of July with calls from Sir Sandy
Macara, a former chairman of the British Medical Association, for the MMR vaccination to be made compulsory for children going to school. His call was echoed by some health ministers
who claim that measles is set to reach epidemic levels again given the loss of faith in the MMR vaccine from fears over links to autism – fears that, they say, are now discredited.
According to the Alliance for Natural Health and many other campaigners, this so-call 'discreditation' refers to the current UK General Medical Council case against Dr Andrew Wakefield. Dr Wakefield is one of a team of doctors from the Royal Free Hospital in London who reported specific bowel symptoms in a prospective case series of 12 consecutive vaccinated children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities, and alleged a possible connection with the MMR vaccination.
The paper was published in the Lancet in 1998 and in the wake of its publication, the doctors faced a massive assault from the media, the vaccine manufacturers, the government, the UK’s General Medical Council and a large clutch of doctors. They were accused of professional misconduct, forced out of their jobs and in March 2004 the GMC announced it was going to instigate an inquiry – which has now been running for 18 months at the taxpayer's expense.
Campaigners’ claims that the right to choose the MMR versus single vaccines for your children is a human rights issue have been given weight by support from health visitors union, Unite. Unite, which embraces the Community Practitioners' and Health Visitors' Association, has rejected Sir Sandy’s call saying that they believe that the NHS is about choice and that Sir Sandy's motion is incompatible with that principle. They maintain that there is a direct link between the declining MMR take-up rates and the slimming down of the health visiting service over the last four years.
Said Cheryll Adams of Unite: 'The health visiting service is now so under-resourced that health visitors no longer automatically see families when the child is eight to12 months old, which is the best time to provide advice and information, so that parents can make an informed decision about MMR. Educating parents, not coercion, is the best way forward.’
At present, only 80% of children have had both the MMR immunisations needed to give full protection –
'herd immunity' necessary to keep these diseases at bay is only achieved when that figure reaches 95%.
via JS
More at
and at
A rash of media coverage hit the headlines in the UK at the beginning of July with calls from Sir Sandy
Macara, a former chairman of the British Medical Association, for the MMR vaccination to be made compulsory for children going to school. His call was echoed by some health ministers
who claim that measles is set to reach epidemic levels again given the loss of faith in the MMR vaccine from fears over links to autism – fears that, they say, are now discredited.
According to the Alliance for Natural Health and many other campaigners, this so-call 'discreditation' refers to the current UK General Medical Council case against Dr Andrew Wakefield. Dr Wakefield is one of a team of doctors from the Royal Free Hospital in London who reported specific bowel symptoms in a prospective case series of 12 consecutive vaccinated children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities, and alleged a possible connection with the MMR vaccination.
The paper was published in the Lancet in 1998 and in the wake of its publication, the doctors faced a massive assault from the media, the vaccine manufacturers, the government, the UK’s General Medical Council and a large clutch of doctors. They were accused of professional misconduct, forced out of their jobs and in March 2004 the GMC announced it was going to instigate an inquiry – which has now been running for 18 months at the taxpayer's expense.
Campaigners’ claims that the right to choose the MMR versus single vaccines for your children is a human rights issue have been given weight by support from health visitors union, Unite. Unite, which embraces the Community Practitioners' and Health Visitors' Association, has rejected Sir Sandy’s call saying that they believe that the NHS is about choice and that Sir Sandy's motion is incompatible with that principle. They maintain that there is a direct link between the declining MMR take-up rates and the slimming down of the health visiting service over the last four years.
Said Cheryll Adams of Unite: 'The health visiting service is now so under-resourced that health visitors no longer automatically see families when the child is eight to12 months old, which is the best time to provide advice and information, so that parents can make an informed decision about MMR. Educating parents, not coercion, is the best way forward.’
At present, only 80% of children have had both the MMR immunisations needed to give full protection –
'herd immunity' necessary to keep these diseases at bay is only achieved when that figure reaches 95%.
via JS
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Pesticides and Parkinson’s disease
Pesticides and Parkinson’s disease
Reporting in the April 15 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology, Beate Ritz, Professor of Epidemiology at UCLA and colleagues found that Central Valley residents who lived within 500 metres of fields sprayed between 1974 and 1999 had a 75% increased risk for Parkinson's.
In addition, people who were diagnosed with Parkinson's at age 60 or younger were found to have been at much higher risk because they had been exposed to maneb, paraquat or
both in combination between 1974 and 1989, years when they would have been children, teens or young adults. The results confirmed previous observations from animal studies that exposure
to multiple chemicals may increase the effect of each chemical (which is important as humans are
often exposed to more than one pesticide in the environment) and that the timing of exposure is also important.
The researchers noted that this is the first epidemiological study to provide strong evidence that maneb and paraquat act synergistically to become neurotoxic and strongly increase the
risk of Parkinson's disease in humans. Of particular concern, and consistent with other theories regarding the progression of Parkinson's pathology, is that the data suggests that the critical
window of exposure to toxicants may have occurred years before the onset
of motor symptoms when a diagnosis of Parkinson's is made.
The researchers had enrolled 368 longtime residents diagnosed with Parkinson's and 341 others as a control group.
More at
Courtesy of PAN UK
Reporting in the April 15 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology, Beate Ritz, Professor of Epidemiology at UCLA and colleagues found that Central Valley residents who lived within 500 metres of fields sprayed between 1974 and 1999 had a 75% increased risk for Parkinson's.
In addition, people who were diagnosed with Parkinson's at age 60 or younger were found to have been at much higher risk because they had been exposed to maneb, paraquat or
both in combination between 1974 and 1989, years when they would have been children, teens or young adults. The results confirmed previous observations from animal studies that exposure
to multiple chemicals may increase the effect of each chemical (which is important as humans are
often exposed to more than one pesticide in the environment) and that the timing of exposure is also important.
The researchers noted that this is the first epidemiological study to provide strong evidence that maneb and paraquat act synergistically to become neurotoxic and strongly increase the
risk of Parkinson's disease in humans. Of particular concern, and consistent with other theories regarding the progression of Parkinson's pathology, is that the data suggests that the critical
window of exposure to toxicants may have occurred years before the onset
of motor symptoms when a diagnosis of Parkinson's is made.
The researchers had enrolled 368 longtime residents diagnosed with Parkinson's and 341 others as a control group.
More at
Courtesy of PAN UK
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