因為我自己買了一包這公司的曲奇 (朱古力粒合桃曲奇)來吃
發現超級好吃(味道很像某紅色 Mrs F's 的曲奇,但沒那麼甜和膩)
I bought a packet of cookies (Pamela's Chocolate chip walnut cookies) from Little Giant last week. They were all gone before I knew it! It tastes somewhat similar to Mrs F's cookies, only that Pamela's cookies did not taste as sweet and heavy. So I decided to use Pamela's mix to try out for myself!
Pamela 黑朱古力粒粒曲奇餅粉 1包
不含牛奶植物牛油 8湯匙(約100G)
雞蛋 1 隻 (或代蛋粉)
Pamela's Chocolate chunk cookie mix 1 packet
Dairy free margarine 100g
Egg x 1 / Egg replacer (equivalent to 1 egg)
先把 代蛋粉 開好 再放進雪櫃備用
植物牛油 用熱水隔水 坐熱 溶成液體
Prepare egg replacer as per instruction on packet. Put in fridge.
Melt margarine.
再把 曲奇粉 及 代蛋粉 倒進去
Mix in cookie mix and egg replacer. Mix well.
就用包保鮮蓋好 放進雪櫃內 大約5 至 10分鐘
用意是令 粉內的 植物牛油 固定一點
那做 曲奇的形狀時 會容易很多
Wrap dough in shrink wrap and put in fridge and wait for 5-10 minutes.
It's easier to shape and hold the cookies when the margarine is hard.
先把焗爐預熱180度攝氏(包裝袋上寫是350度 那個華氏來的)
再在焗盆上塗上油(植物油 薄薄的就可以)
把粉團由雪櫃拿出來後 用原本蓋在盆上的保鮮紙
放在手心 再把粉 放上去 壓成 餅狀
Preheat oven at 180C. Grease baking sheet. Take out the dough.
Shape dough into small balls. Press slightly.
再放上焗盆上 每塊餅的間距大約要有1厘米
因為焗出來後曲奇會發大 太近會堆在一起的了
這時候焗爐預熱好了 就可以把焗盆及曲奇都放進去
Place cookies on sheet, separated by 1 cm each. Put in the oven.
大約焗 17-18分鐘
Bake for 17-18 minutes.
請注意 Attention
由於這曲奇有一定分量是由 植物牛油組成
在很熱的溫度會軟化 散開
After you've removed the cookies from the oven, do not try to touch or move the cookies on the baking sheet. Wait till they cool down, or the cookies might crumble.
一次吃不完 下一次吃時 也可以用 微波爐 或 焗爐 翻熱
Reheat the cookies slightly before you eat, because I think they taste the best with the chocolate chunks half melted.
這曲奇簡單易做 也不含牛奶及雞蛋
味道也很好 你的小朋友絕對會愛上!