1. What is eczema?Eczema is an intensely itchy, inflammatory skin condition, it is usually found on the face, wrists and insides of the elbows and knees. The skin becomes reddened, dry and thickened and it can weep and become crusted. Eczema is a very common condition, which affects 5-7% of the population. Even though it can occur at any age, it is most common in infants and young children. Often, eczema is the result of an allergic reaction, especially in children. Atopic eczema is a hereditary condition which often develops in young infants with a family history of allergies or asthma. 2. What causes eczema?There is no single cause of eczema, but generally people with eczema have skin that is more sensitive to certain ‘triggers’. The skin reacts against the ‘trigger’, and this causes the symptoms, which typically include itchiness, dryness, redness and inflammation. Eczema tends to run in families and the problem occurs because of particular changes in certain genes, although the full details of these genes are still not known.3. Can eczema be prevented?If you can identify something that triggers your eczema, then you should try to. However, the tendency to develop eczema is in-born. However, many children grow out of eczema, and in other cases eczema suddenly becomes worse for unknown reasons. There is still much that is not known about eczema. 4. What is the treatment for eczema?
Keeping the skin moist by using emollient (medical moisturizers) and barrier creams may be sufficient to control some mild cases.
Using steroid cream on advice of doctors can calm itchy and swollen red skin but prolonged use may lead to permanent change to the skin such as thinning of the skin and stretch marks
Using antibiotics or antiseptics to treat infected skin but frequent use may render it ineffective.
Other new medicines being developed such as topical immunomodulators which are steroid free help relieve itching,redness and swelling. Others such as antihistamines, wet wrap, UV light treatment.etc.5. Will my child grow out of their eczema?Not every child grows out of its eczema, but the majority does. By the time they reach their teens, 60-70% of children who suffered from eczema are virtually clear. 6. Is eczema contagious?No, eczema is not contagious. It is caused by underlying immune activity affecting the skin, not by a bacteria or virus. Could changing my diet cure my eczema?Eczema often is caused by allergens. All major allergens should be identified and eliminated from the diet. For some people, eczema may be linked to something in their diet, but there are many other potential triggers apart from diet. It is worth trying to notice if any particular food makes your eczema worse, and trying to avoid that food if possible. Research indicated that by eliminating cow’s milk, eggs, artificial colors and preservatives could help some children. Chemical and detergents found in many household products can irritate the skin and worsen the eczema. Sufferers should try to use sensitive skin products whenever possible. 7. Are there any 'natural' creams to treat eczema?The data on natural and homeopathic treatments tends to be limited. Talk to your doctor before using any alternative therapy for eczema. Several herbal remedies have traditionally been used to treat eczema are Burdock root, Sarsaparilla and Clover.1. 甚麼是濕疹?濕疹是皮膚頻密地痕癢和發炎,它通常出現在面部、手腕,手肘和膝蓋的內側。皮膚會變紅、乾燥和變厚,更可能滲出液體和爆裂。濕疹非常普遍,約5-7%的人是患者。雖然任何年齡的人也有機會患上濕疹,但以嬰兒和兒童患者最為常見。很多情況下,濕疹是過敏反應所致,尤其是出現在兒童身上的情況。特異性濕疹是一種遺傳性疾病,通常出現在家族有過敏或哮喘病歷的幼嬰身上。2. 濕疹的成因是甚麼?濕疹並沒有一個特定的成因,但一般來說濕疹患者的皮膚會對某類物質比較敏感,皮膚因為要對抗這些物質,因而引發濕疹,病徵包括:痕癢、乾燥、變紅和發炎。濕疹通常會在家庭成員中同時出現,原因是基因中出現了某些變化,儘管仍未能完全清楚瞭解這些基因的詳情。3. 濕疹可否避免?如果你能找出引發自己出現濕疹的物質,便可嘗試避免濕疹。但是,濕疹患病傾向是天生的。不過,很多兒童能克服濕疹,卻有一些例子是濕疹突然惡化而原因不明。迄今仍有很多未曾解開的濕疹疑團。4. 有甚麼方法治療濕疹?
其他正在開發的新藥物好像局部免疫調節藥物,它不含類固醇,有助舒緩痕癢和紅腫。此外,尚有抗組織胺藥、濕裹和紫外線照射治療等。5. 我的小孩可以從濕疹中痊癒嗎?不是每一個患濕疹的小孩都可以痊癒,但大部份都可以。隨著孩子成長,60-70%的小孩都可以痊癒。6. 濕疹會傳染嗎?濕疹是不會傳染的。這是由於內在的免疫功能活躍地影響著皮膚,而非細菌或病毒所致。改變飲食習慣可以治好我的濕疹嗎?濕疹通常是由致敏原引起的。要找出所有致敏原並在日常飲食中將之剔除。對某些人來說,濕疹可能與他們的飲食有關,其實在食物以外亦存有很多潛在的致敏原。無論如何,嘗試找出是否有某種食物會令自己的濕疹惡化,然後儘量避免,仍然是值得一試的做法。研究指出,避免進食牛奶、雞蛋、人造色素及醃制食品,對某些患濕疹的兒童有正面的幫助。很多家居常用的化學品和消毒劑都會刺激皮膚及令濕疹惡化。患者應儘量採用為敏感性皮膚而設的用品。7. 有沒有天然的軟膏可以治療濕疹?有關天然和順勢療法的資料很少。應先諮詢你的醫生才可使用另類的濕疹治療法。幾種傳統用以治療濕疹的草藥包括牛蒡根、菝?和紅花草等。
2009年7月24日 星期五
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