2009年7月27日 星期一

Klaire Products:Often Selected by Practitioners for Autistic Children

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are associated with an array of gastrointestinal, immune system, and metabolic abnormalities.

Many of these children on the autism spectrum exhibit sensitivities to foods and environmental toxins.
Clinical and laboratory evidence has been steadily accumulating implicating these multisystem abnormalities and sensitivities in the pathogenesis and perpetuation of ASD symptomatology. An ever increasing number of parents and practitioners are finding that a biomedical approach to ASD that addresses these issues can improve outcomes in children on the autism spectrum. Probiotics, digestive enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and specialty supplements are
key components in the biomedical approach to ASD either as primary interventions or as adjunctive measures.

Over the years, health practitioners have come to rely upon Klaire Labs™ for nutritional supplements designed to address the special needs of children on the autism spectrum.

Klaire’s hypoallergenic line of probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and specialty supplements contain ingredients well tolerated by children on the autism spectrum
and are often the practitioner’s preferred choice to support gastrointestinal, metabolic, neurological, detoxification, and immune system functions.
As no two individuals on the autism spectrum present with the same pathologies, treatment protocols vary and are tailored to each child’s needs.

Certain Klaire products, however, have become standouts among practitioners treating ASD and are widely used to provide foundational nutritional support for these children.

Children on the autism spectrum have significant gastrointestinal pathology which may include overgrowth of microbial pathogens, such as Candida albicans and Clostridium species, increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut), and malabsorption.

Additionally, diarrhea and/or constipation are often present, either as a result of gastrointestinal pathology or in response to antibiotic therapy and other medications.

Probiotic supplements containing live beneficial microorganisms are frequently used as one of the first nutritional interventions for children on the autism spectrum.

Use of appropriate probiotics helps eliminate pathogens, restore and maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora and support healthy gastrointestinal and immune system function.

Restoring balance to the gastrointestinal system is crucial for proper nutrient digestion and absorption, protection against intestinal toxins and pathogens, bowel regularity, and immune
system enhancement.
High-potency Ther-Biotic® Detoxification Support with 50+ billion CFUs per capsule is often selected to help restore a healthy balance of intestinal flora during detoxification protocols such as broad-spectrum antibiotics, anti-fungal medications or metal chelating agents.

Toxins and metabolic by-products generated during use of these agents can disturb
the healthy balance of intestinal microflora or exacerbate existing intestinal dysbiosis.

Ther-Biotic® Detoxification
Support provides two colonizing Lactobacillus and one endogenous Bifidobacterium probiotic species that support the body’s natural detoxification processes by metabolizing or reducing uptake of toxins by the gut.
Ther-Biotic® Complete, the most comprehensive, maximum-support probiotic formula in the Klaire line, contains 12 certified probiotic species and provides broad coverage to encourage a healthy balance of microflora across the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Ther-Biotic® Complete is recommended for initial, aggressive dosing to regain gastrointestinal
microbial synergy as well as for daily maintenance once a healthy balance of the gut microflora is restored.

It is available in both an ultra-high potency powder providing 100+ billion CFUs per 1/4 teaspoon (400+ billion CFUs per teaspoon) and in vegetarian capsules, each providing 25+ billion CFUs.

Saccharomyces boulardii is a powerful, non-pathogenic, transient yeast probiotic long-used for various types of diarrhea.
It is a hardy, acid-resistant, temperature tolerant microorganism that is not affected by antibiotics. S. boulardii is often used to assist individuals with antibiotic-associated diarrhea, acute or chronic diarrhea, traveler’s diarrhea, Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal infections, including Candida albicans.

Overgrowth of pathogenic Candida yeast species is a frequent, often recurrent, problem in children on the autistic spectrum.

Many practitioners rely on S. boulardii for its ability to produce antifungal toxins and organic acids known to naturally inhibit or kill disease causing Candida yeast species. S. boulardii is generally used for short-term gastrointestinal support and is also animportant ingredient in ABx Support™.

ABx Support™ is designed to be used concurrently with antibiotic therapy.

ABx Support™ contains a carefully researched blend of Saccharomyces boulardii with Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Bifidobacterium breve, probiotic microorganisms documented to support against antibiotic-associated diarrhea, Clostridium difficile-associated bowel disorder, intestinal and vaginal yeast overgrowth, and vaginal dysbiosis.

Digestive Enzymes
One of the most frequent problems found in children on the autism spectrum is inadequate production and function of digestive enzymes resulting in impaired digestion and contributing to common symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas, dyspepsia, gastric reflux, constipation, and diarrhea.

Incomplete enzymatic digestion of ingested grain protein gluten and milk protein casein results in the generation of neurologically active peptides called exorphins.
Exorphin peptides are opiate-like substances that adversely affect development and signal processing in the brain.
Supplemental digestive enzymes can facilitate the breakdown of exorphins as well as generally support the digestion by mediating the breakdown of food carbohydrates, fats, peptides and proteins, facilitating macro- and micronutrient absorption, and reducing the number of large and potentially inflammatory molecules leaking through the intestinal membrane.

Vital-Zymes™ Complete and Vital-Zymes™ Chewable are high-potency, multi-enzyme formulas with a complete range of plant/microbial-based enzymes that work in concert to maximize the breakdown, absorption, and utilization of macronutrients from a wide spectrum of foods, including proteins and peptides, complex carbohydrates, disaccharides, fats, and vegetable fibers.
SerenAid®, a proprietary, high-activity vegetarian enzyme blend of Peptidase and Protease with Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DDP-IV) activity, has long been the standard for hydrolysis of small protein peptides, including exorphins from casein and gluten.

Vitamin and Mineral Support
Dietary supplementation with vitamins and minerals is often used to help correct the nutritional deficits so common in Autism Spectrum Disorders.

The gastrointestinal pathology associated with ASD is linked to significant malabsorption of
vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Children on the autism spectrum have been shown to have a variety of metabolic abnormalities including impaired methylation and transsulfuration biochemistry, increased oxidative stress, and altered energy production that may respond to robust vitamin and mineral repletion.

Klaire Labs™ provides practitioners with a wide selection of single- and multi-nutrient formulas to assist them in meeting individual patient needs. Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P-5-P), Micellized Vitamin A, Methylcobalamin, Zinc Plus, and Magnesium Glycinate are a just a few of the single-nutrient formulas often incorporated into ASD protocols.
VitaSpectrum™ is a powdered multiple vitamin and mineral supplement containing 28 highly bioavailable essential nutrients in forms, quantities, and ratios designed to address nutritional disturbances commonly observed in children on the autism spectrum.

Biologically active forms of folate, B12, and B6 along with naturally sourced vitamins A, E, and D are included for optimal nutrient utilization. Iron and copper, often contraindicated in ASD, are excluded.
VitaSpectrum™ is affordably priced and provides a comprehensive group of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in a single product.

The Klaire Labs™ Commitment
Klaire Labs™ was founded in 1969 to provide nutritional support for individuals with severe food allergies and environmental sensitivities.

Klaire products utilize well-tolerated, highly bioavailable ingredients, free of common allergens. Klaire Labs™ works closely with clinicians and researchers to formulate innovative products that can be used with confidence by individuals with special needs such as childrem on the autism spectrum.

Klaire Labs™ maintains an ongoing commitment to product purity, hypoallergenicity, and rigorous quality control.

Active and inert ingredients used in Klaire products are free of common allergens, including dairy, wheat, corn, yeast, and gluten. No sugar, starch, maltodextrin, stearates, artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, salicylates or preservatives are used in manufacturing
making Klaire Labs™ products widely-preferred and suitable choices in the biomedical management of ASD.

