2009年7月27日 星期一

Gluten Intolerance 穀膠過敏

1. What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in cereals of wheat, rye, barley and oats.

2. Who should be on a gluten free diet?

Celiac disease is caused by an inability to digest food containing gluten. This reaction causes destruction of the villi in the small intestine, with resulting malabsorption of nutrients. A person with celiac disease must avoid gluten food.

3. What are the symptoms of celiac disease?

Symptoms of celiac disease can range from the classic features, such as diarrhea, weight loss, and malnutrition, to latent symptoms such as isolated nutrient deficiencies but no gastrointestinal symptoms. In children, the symptoms may include:

* Failure to thrive
* Paleness
* Querulousness, irritability
* Inability to concentrate
* Wasted buttocks
* Pot belly with or without painful bloating
* Pale, malodorous, bulky stools
* Requent, foamy diarrhea
You should always consult your doctor who can confirm if you have such disease.

4. What kind of wheat should I avoid in a gluten free diet?

Kumat, spelt, bulgar, durum and conscous, breads, cakes, cereals.

5. What kind of food can fit a gluten free diet?

Rice, buckwheat, corn, peas , legumes, potato, soya, tapioca , sago, arrowroot, flour made from the above ingredients, dried beans, lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, foods rich in Vitamin C such as fruits and vegetables.

However, be careful about the seasonings and the sauces. It must be not be cooked with normal seasoning but those which are wheat and gluten free, e.g. wheat and gluten free soy sauce.

6. For packaged food, how can I distinguish if they are gluten free?

All approved gluten free package food must have this information indicated in the nutrition facts panel.

1. 什麼是穀膠


2. 哪些人應該食用不含穀膠的食物?

穀膠過敏症的人必須避免食用穀膠的食物。穀膠過敏症是由於含有穀膠的食物在胃裏無法消化。穀膠過敏症會造成腸胃不適, 影響養分被吸收。

3. 穀膠過敏症有哪些症狀?

穀膠過敏症特徵的範圍包括一些明顯的特點, 譬如腹瀉, 體重下降, 營養不良, 一些潛在症狀如某類營養不足。 患有穀膠過敏症的兒童的症狀包括:

* 發育停滯
* 臉色蒼白
* 情緒波動
* 精神無法集中
* 腹部脹痛
* 排泄物產生刺鼻難聞的惡臭味
* 泄瀉, 泡沫似的腹瀉

4. 在選擇不含谷膠食物時,應該避免哪類的穀物?

Kumat, 斯佩耳特小麥, bulgar, 硬粒小麥和蒸粗麥, 麵包, 蛋糕, 等用麥穀物造的食物。

5. 有哪些食物是不含穀膠食物?

米, 蕎麥, 玉米, 豌豆, 豆類, 土豆, 大豆, 珍珠粉, 西米, 葛粉,由上述成份做成的麵粉, 幹豆, 瘦肉, 雞, 魚, 蛋, 堅果, 含豐富維生素C的食物例如水果和蔬菜。.

但是, 注意調味料和調味汁,不要使用一般的調味料,改用不含穀膠的調味料。例如不含麥子和穀膠的醬油。

6. 如何區分包裝食品是否區含有穀膠?


