2009年7月24日 星期五

不含穀膠咖喱餃子製作 Making gluten free dumplings using Orgran pasta flour

這一次是利用 Orgran 不含穀膠餃子皮麵粉 日本咖喱粉(甜) 來製作 不含穀膠、不含牛奶、不含雞蛋等的咖喱蔬菜餃子。

We'll make use of Orgran pasta flour, which is gluten free/ dairy free/ egg free/ yeast free/ nut free as well as Mild curry roux for kids from Japan to make the dumplings.

這是這一次的材料 - (餡料)

日本咖喱粉(甜) 一包
美國焗薯 兩個
洋蔥 一個
甘荀 兩條
有機蜜糖 適量



Orgran 不含穀膠餃子皮麵粉 一盒
雞蛋一隻/ Orgran 代蛋粉(Orgran egg replacer )
白米粉不含穀膠粟粉 (有些粟粉含穀膠,我們要挑選不含穀膠的粟粉)

首先 先把甘荀 , 洋蔥 ,焗薯 都切成小粒
(選用焗薯會最好 如果用新薯會太爽身不太適合用來包餃子)


有機菜湯精華 x 1 -2 湯匙

Ingredients as below - (fillings)

Mild curry roux for kids x 1 packet

Large baking potatoes x 2 (we chose baking potatoes for it's softer, more gluey texture)

Onion x 1

Carrot x 2

Organic honey & salt


Orgran pasta flour x 1 packet

Water 210ml
Oil 1 tbsp
Egg x 1 (or equivalent amount of Orgran egg replacer for egg allergy sufferers)
Rice flour or gluten free corn flour


Organic vegetable bouillon x 1-2 tbsp

First of all, finely dice onion, potato and carrots. Parboil the carrot.

之後 開火 鍋熱了下油 油的溫度可以了 就下焗薯
看到焗薯開始變色微金黃了 先下甘荀及一半洋蔥

On medium heat, heat up the saucepan. Add oil. Stir fry the potato till it turns golden brown.

Add carrot and half of the onion.

中火不停的搞動材料大約等三分鐘,就可以加入 日本咖喱粉(甜) 了。

Keep stir frying for 3 minutes. Add the Mild curry roux for kids .

把煲蓋蓋上等大約5-7分鐘 就可以加 鹽 及 蜜糖 調味了
蜜糖 我是加了大約1.5 茶匙的
煮日本咖哩加入 蜜糖 可以令它的甜味更香
如果發現 材料太大顆 這個時候可以順道用鏟把它們壓碎一點。

Mix the roux well with other ingredients. Add 300ml water. Put on the lid for 5-7 minutes.

Add honey (about 1.5 tsp) & salt. Honey goes really well with Japanese curry.

Press the ingredients slightly if you find them too lumpy.


Cook for a further 3 minutes and switch off heat.

Cool down, wrap it and put into the fridge.

先用 Orgran egg replacer 開大約一隻蛋的份量

To prepare the dumpling pastry, prepare egg replacer equivalent to that of one egg.

現在把粉都倒出來 可以倒在平面或者鐵盆內
先把粉中間開一小洞 倒入油之後混合
再加入Orgran egg replacer 再混合。

Chill the replacer.

Pour the pasta flour onto a working space. Create a well in the centre of the flour.

Add oil. Mix. Add egg replacer.

之後慢慢加入水 再可以正式開始猜粉團了

Start kneading. Add water gradually while kneading the dough.

把粉團猜到水份平均 就可以慢慢加入 白米粉 或 粟粉。
到粉團不太粘手 就可以拿出來 捲成一條 以方便做皮了

Knead well. Add rice/ corn flour gradually till the dough is not sticky to the touch.

Roll into a roll.

先在桌上放一點白米粉 再從粉團撕一小部份出來
壓平 再用圓型的模切出一個餃子皮出來 再在剛壓好的餃子皮上放上 白米粉
Orgran pasta flour 大約可以做20多隻餃子

Dust worktop with rice flour. Tear a small cube of dough. Press flat. Cut out the dumpling pastry using a round cutter. Dust the pastry. A packet of Orgran pasta flour makes about 2 dozens.

在包的時候在手上 及 放包好餃子的容器 上先放上 白米粉
把所有餃子都包好後 就可以開始煮的了
先煲好適量的水 水中要加入大約一湯匙的油 鹽 並加入一湯匙有機菜湯精華。

水滾後把餃子放下去 大約煮10分鐘

Dust your hands and a container with white rice flour or gluten free corn flour.

Fill in the dumplings. When you are done with the wrapping, boil a pot of water. Add salt, oil and organic vegetable bouillon to the water. Pour in dumplings and cook for about 10 minutes.

這樣就完成了我們的 Gluten free 日式咖哩餃子了~

Done. Yum!

由於沒加雞蛋 所以皮沒那麼香 想要好吃一點 可把湯煮得濃味一點
例如可以加入肉類或2湯匙有機菜湯精華於湯中 (不要加雞粉或外面的調味粉。過動或缺乏專注力或有特殊需要的小朋友最容易對人造調味或色素起反應)。

Since I did not add eggs to the pastry, you might want to spice up the dumplings and the soup by adding other ingredients such as meat or 2 tbsp of organic vegetable bouillon (do not add chicken powder or other MSG containing condiments. Kids with special needs/ ADHD/ ADD will mostly likely respond to artificial flavoring or coloring).

